6: "Finally."

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"Alana, wake up!" Alec states, shaking her. She sits up, gasping and looking about the room before her mind registers that Alec is sitting on the bed in front of her, right hand resting on top of her left.
"Alec.." She whispers, her sad eyes meeting his worried ones.
"You.. were screaming, and it worried me. I thought that someone was hurting you." Alec rambles, Alana faintly smiling at him.
"Can we take a walk, please?" She asks, and he nods.
The two of them walk the hallways, talking about anything and everything, from what Alana's life had been like, to Alec's constant worrying about his sister's and Parabatai's safety.
"If I may ask, you said when you first got here that Charlotte Branwell was your cousin, and you were living in with them.. What happened to your parents?" Alec asks, causing Alana to stop for a moment.
"They were murdered by demons when I was twelve. I had been living in the London Institute with Charlotte for six years before any of this ever happened." She responds, and Alec drops the matter.
"What was your dream about?" He changes the subject, and Alana looks to the floor.
"Well.. You were in it, and the two of us were dressed for some kind of celebration.."
"And?" Alec asks.
"Well.. Something happened and.." She trails off, her eyes turning to the floor, and Alec takes the hint.

When they finally decide to go back to their rooms, Alec walks Alana back, stopping outside of her door.
"Do you think you will be alright for the night?" He questions, and Alana nods.
"I think so." She responds, and Alec turns to walk to his own room, but he pauses.
He only takes one step before turning back around, closing the gap between him and Alana in one stride. Alec pulls her close, his hand cupping her cheek as his lips meet hers. Alana's hands immediately curl into his hair, pulling him closer to her body.
When they reluctantly break the kiss a moment later, breathless, Alana smiles.
"I've wanted you to do that since I woke up and you were sitting right beside me in the infirmary, Alec." She whispers.
"I've wanted to do that since you fought beside me at the police precinct." Alec responds. With one last kiss, Alec finally steps away.
"Goodnight, Alana." He states, a smile on his face.
"Goodnight, Alec." She responds, watching him walk into his own room. A door creaks open behind her, and she turns to find Isabelle smirking in the doorway.
"Finally." She sighs contently, and Alana rolls her eyes before going into her room, crawling on the bed, and soon falling back asleep.

The next two weeks are practically the same, except for the newfound relationship between Alec and Alana. When Alana wakes one morning, her mind wanders to the dream she just had.
'Alec.' She thinks, getting out of bed and walking down the hallway to his room. He isn't there, so she walks to the training room, only to find him angrily practicing with a sword.
"Alec, are you alright?" Alana asks, and he turns to her.
"Not particularly, Alana." Alec responds, his eyes flashing as he drops the sword to the ground with a clatter.
"What's-" Alana starts to say, but she is interrupted by Isabelle.
"Promise me you won't go through with it!" Isabelle shouts, running into the training room.
"Go through with what?" Alana asks, looking at Alec.
"Our parents are trying to make him marry." Isabelle says, and Alana steps closer to Alec.
"Is this true?" She inquires, and Alec looks away.
"I'm not going through with it. I've already told Mother that. She can try all she wants, but I won't." He angrily states.
"I've never heard you talk about Mom like this." Isabelle says quietly, and Alec looks at his sister.
"I've got to start living for myself." Alec states, practically storming from the room.

"Well..I think it's clear now that he adores you." Isabelle smiles, looking at Alana.
"I would hope so, considering that we're together now..." Alana says, and the training room door opens again.
"Alana, come with me." Alec states, and Alana does so.
She practically has to run to keep up with him, moving quickly down the hallways and to his room.
Alana shuts the door behind herself, Alec turning to her.
"I swear, I am not going through with it, Alana." He reassures her, and she smiles.
"Alec, I believe you." Alana states, giving him a light kiss.
Alec returns the kiss, gently pressing  her back against the door. His hands run up and down her sides, making a small shiver run down her spine.
A knock sounds on the door, and Alec pulls Alana away from it before opening it, his arm around her waist.
"Mom wants to talk to Alana." Izzy sighs.
"Why?" Alec asks, and Isabelle avoids her brother's eyes.
"I may or may not have mentioned something to her while I was trying to convince her to call off her attempts..." She states, her eyes avoiding her brother's gaze, and Alec frowns.
"Izzy." Alec groans, but Isabelle just shyly smiles.

*It FINALLY happened 😍. What did you guys think?
Anyways, it may be the weekend before I can update again, as I have school the full week this week. But, next Friday starts my spring break, so I promise that I shall update a lot.
Until then, my lovelies ❤️*

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