11: "Why not?"

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Magnus is out to lunch, but he will back soon." Tessa explains as she leads Alec and Alana into the living room.
"That doesn't surprise me." Alana laughs, and Tessa smiles. The two talk about everything, including the day before, when Alana and Alec had landed in Hawaii. Until the conversation switches gears.
"So, please explain your sudden disappearance 138 years ago, Alana." Tessa states outright.
"Well.. I.." Alana begins, and Tessa raises her eyebrows.
"You what, Alana?" Tessa asks, and Alana looks down at her lap.
"The night I disappeared, I was out. I know I shouldn't have been, yet I was restless and needed to think. I was found and attacked by a Greater Demon. Tessa, I was dying. But Magnus saved my life, even if it meant winding up in this century." Alana explains.
"So it was Magnus's doings, then?" She asks, just as the front door creaks open.
"Tessa, my darling, I'm home!" Magnus drawls, giggling to himself as he comes into the living room.
"Magnus.." Tessa says, raising her eyebrow.
"Oh, um. Hello Alec, Alana." Magnus mutters awkwardly.
"Hello Magnus." Alana glares.
"So you're the reason that Alana disappeared, 138 years ago." Tessa coolly states.
"Okay, let me get something straight right here, right now. She came to me, hurt and needing my help. When I could do nothing, the only thing left to do in order to save her life was send her through a portal." Magnus sighs, and Tessa giggles. Alec, however, seems unamused.
"Tessa, I hate to be the one to break up the fun, but we need your and Magnus's help." He states, causing Tessa's expression to change.
"Right. Now-" She begins, but a sharp knock on the door cuts her off.
Magnus opens it and in walks a very frazzled looking Isabelle.
"Thank God." She sighs when she sees Alec and Alana.
"Izzy? What's wrong?" Alec asks, standing up from the couch.
"Clary just called me. She and Jace are back at the Institute."
"So you mean all of this was for nothing?"
"Alec, you don't understand. They're back, but Clary said Jace is different."
"What do you mean, different?"
"Apparently Valentine messed with his brain- I don't know, okay? But we need to get back." Isabelle snaps, just as Tessa stands.
"I- We can help you with that. Magnus, form a Portal." She commands, and Magnus blinks at her.
"Tessa? What are you-"
"Magnus they need our help. And we may be able to provide assistance." Tessa states, grabbing a jacket as Magnus sighs and forms the Portal. Alec, Alana, and Isabelle stand nearby, and when it opens, Tessa ushers them through.

When the group arrives back in the Institute, Alec immediately goes to his Parabatai. While his mood has steadily became more sour, Isabelle's had lightened, and when she is alone with Alana, the questions start pouring in.
"So, where did you and Alec end up?" Isabelle inquires.
"Hawaii, Honolulu to be exact." Alana responds, and Izzy smirks.
"Was it a busy night?" She questions, causing Alana's face to redden as she hides her face in her hands.
"What?? It's just a question."
"No. No we didn't."
"And why the hell not?" Isabelle asks, but Alec walks into the room at that moment.
"Izzy, don't pester my girlfriend." He scowls, which makes Alana smile.
Isabelle gives Alana a smirk before leaving her brother and Alana alone in the room.
"Is everything alright?" Alana asks, noticing the worry written on Alec's face.
"No.. Jace has this idea that Valentine is his father. He isn't in his right mind, Alana." Alec sighs.
"He'll snap out of it soon. This is Jace Wayland we're talking about." Alana reassures Alec, taking his hands in hers, but he doesn't seem to truly believe her. He does, however, place a kiss on her forehead before a voice calls his name down the hallway, and he goes to answer, leaving Alana by herself in the room.

*I am so sorry this took forever. And that it's so short. But I have had a busy last two weeks, and could barely find time to sleep, if that makes sense. I, hopefully will update again soon.*

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