Chapter 35

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Hunter's POV

I headed down to Cat's hotel room and knocked on the door, and then she suddenly opened up the door and then wanted to shut it right away but I wouldn't let her. I put my arm on the door and kept it open and said, "I just want to talk to you". Cat then let the door open and said, "Fine" and then let me in the hotel room. 

I sat down on the couch and then she asked, "So what is it that you want to talk about?". "Well I want to talk about why you told my mom about what happened between Mia and I", I said. "I told her because, number one she wouldn't leave me alone, and number two I think she needed to know what you did", she said. 

"Okay yeah I get it she should know what I did but I don't think that she needed to know right away", I said. "Wait, how did you know that I told your mom?", Cat asked. "I just found out", I said hoping that Cat won't know that I'm lying to her. "No you didn't, did you accuse Mia of telling her and then she told you that it was me?", She asked not sounding too happy with me at the moment. "Yeah, but I wasn't mad at her once she told me that it was you", I said. 

Cat just looked at me and I figured I should just go before she gets even more mad at me, so then I just got up and walked back to my hotel room. 

Mia's POV

I just made it back to the airport in California, and I just realized I can't have my mom pick me up from the airport because she is working, so I guess I will have to see if Ava will pick me up. 

Me: Avaaaa! I just got back home! But was wondering if you could pick me up from the airport
Ava: Yes I will come pick you up loser
Me: Thanks bishhh

Once Ava said that she would come pick me up from the airport I just sat down and played some games on my phone, waiting for her to pick me up. While I was waiting I decided to post an older picture of Ava and I. With the caption saying, " Finally get to see my best friend". Right away I was getting the comments that she were saying, 'why did you leave the tour', 'why are you home, and not on tour'. 

I just decided to ignore all of the comments and just sit here in the airport and wait for Ava to be here. Suddenly I heard someone screaming and getting closer, I stood up and turned around to see Ava running to me. I dropped all of my stuff and ran to her and gave her a big hug, we broke the hug after about 2 minutes and then Ava finally said, "So what are you doing home? I thought you were staying on tour the whole summer and then coming back right before school started". "Yeah I thought that too, but plans changed", I said. 

"Want to tell me why the plans changed?", Ava asked. "I'll tell you in the car ride home", I said walking over to all of my stuff that I dropped on the ground to give Ava a hug. Ava helped me grab some of my stuff and then we headed over to her car and put everything in, once everything was in her car we both got in and she started to drive home. We didn't make it too far and Ava asked, "So are you gonna tell me yet?". 

"So the reason that I'm coming home early is because Hunter and I broke up, now are you happy that I told you?!", I said. "Oh I'm so sorry Mia, why did you guys break up", Ava asked. "Cat and I were going to see a movie and the guys were going to see a move also, and they all showed up to the movie not realizing that Cat and I were there. Well most of the guys had girls with them, and yeah Hunter was one of the them with a girl. And then wouldn't admit to me that he brought a girl with him to the movie", I said.

"Guys are so dumb", Ava said. "Yeah I agree, guys are dumb", I said laughing. "But was it cool meeting all of the guys?", Ava asked really excited. "It was actually a lot of fun, I liked hanging out with Blake he was pretty cool, oh and don't forget about Cat, Mario's sister. She's really cool too", I said. "That's awesome that you got to meet all of them and become friends with all of them", she said. "Yeah me too", I said. 

We just made it back to my house and I said, "Thank you so much for coming to get me from the airport Ava". "Anything for my best friend", she said smiling. "Are you doing anything today?", I asked. "Nope, I was just watching netflix when you texted me earlier", she said laughing. "Want to just hang out at my house for a little bit today?", I asked. "Yeah that sounds good to me", she said. And then my phone vibrated from a text. 

Blake: Did you get home alright?
Me: Yeah I'm home and just starting to pack. What are you guys up to?
Blake: Basically nothing until tomorrow, that's when we leave for the next spot on tour

Me: Where at?

Blake: New York and then California

Me: Really you guys come to California?
Blake: Yup, in a few days we will be there

Me: Looks like you guys might have to stop over

Blake: We will definitely stop over, do you want to facetime right now?
Me: Sure, just to let you know my friend Ava is here too

Blake: Okay, cool

"Ava, we are going to facetime Blake just to let you know", I said. "Wait, Blake who?", she said. I just started laughing and asked, "What Blake do you think I'm talking about?". "No way, are you talking about Blake Gray?!", She asked screaming. "Yes we are going to facetime Blake Gray", I said laughing. 



I am so sorry for not updating, I was in the hospital two times this week and then where we store everything there was a fire yesterday, so I have had a lot on mind and I'm really sorry about the lack of updates

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