Chapter 1 || Saved From a Stapler

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"Oh my gosh Sarah, Hawaii was amazing! You should've joined us and taken a break from all of the hell we've been through, especially with Mr Johnson always up our asses, I swear to god he hates us or something, I mean my recent English essay was flawless and he gave me 74%, same with Madi!" Alex, one of my best friends complained, her hands flying all over the place.

Today was Monday and it was my second year attending college at Edgewood. We were walking towards the art centre for this morning's lecture with Ms Davis and Alex and Madi were rambling on about their Winter break, cute boys and now English with Mr Johnson.

Tucking a piece of my light brown hair behind my ear I turn to the two and join in on their conversation, "Mr Johnson is pretty chill, I got 98% for that assignment."

"Urgh, sometimes I really hate you Sarah, but for the rest of the time I love you to bits." Madi says, me smiling in response. We all turn and enter the art filled room. Taking our seats towards the back of the class, we place our art utensils on the table before sitting.

Alex turns to both Madi and I and grins, "So are you guys going to Vince's party on Friday? Heaps of people around campus are saying that it's going to be party of the year!"

"Ooh, I'm in!" Madi brings her hands together in excitement.

"Party of the year? It's the first day back and isnt even 9AM yet, do people really think that this party is going to be the best without seeing the future ones? Have people not realised that parties are always going to be outdone? Besides, we're in our second year college now, we're meant to be matured adults. Why am I even rambling on? I won't even be going, I need to study for the upcoming exams." I finish slightly out of breath

Madi and Alex have always tried to persuade me into going to these extravagant parties that are held almost every week but I always end up declining their offer so I don't know why they still bother to ask me.

"Sarah, you are always studying, get out of the apartment for once and enjoy life!" Madi stated. I sit looking at the two with a 'please don't make me do this' expression but they continue to push me further.








"FINE! I'll go to the stupid party, but just letting you know, I will not be drinking anything besides water." I sigh in defeat.

"Yay, then you can be our designated driver and we'll go shopping sometime this week, maybe Friday since we don't have any classes."

"Okay, as long as it's not Friday morning cause I've got a breakfast with Daniel." I mumble. Daniel is my boyfriend of two years we were actually neighbours when we were little but the then moved away, until we met again in a bookstore.

"You're still with him?! How is it going? Have you guys had sex yet?" Alex squealed before coming closer.

My face blushed red in embarrassment and I look down at my blue jeans, "Shhh not so loud and no, not yet." My answer comes out as a faint whisper.

"Sarah, the Virgin Mary, when are you planning to?"

"Not anytime soon! I mean I know Daniel wants to do it, he keeps hinting it but for me sexual intercourse comes after marriage." I sigh

"Just know, if he ever forces himself on you, make sure to tell us and then Madi and I will make sure he'll never be able to impregnate another woman " We all let out a laugh and the two begin talking about what they're going to wear for Friday's event.

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