Chapter 2 || Breakfast Dates

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That's Daniel and his new gf in the photo above! ^_^

It's now Friday morning and the week had gone by fairly quickly. I hadn't had anymore encounters with Ace which I'm sort of thankful for but the questions are still coming in from Madi and Alex. At the moment I am getting ready for breakfast with Daniel at 10.30, right now it's 9.00 and I've got to be out of the house by 10.00 if I want to make it there on time.

I rush into the shared bathroom not bothering to lock the door behind me. I tie my hair into a messy bun before hopping into the steamy shower. I brush my teeth thoroughly, then wash my face with my grapefruit scented cleanser. I pick up a bottle of my vanilla body wash along with my white loofah and begin scrubbing my body from head to toe. I wash off the soapy remanence, watching it swirl down the drain and turn the tap off.


Sitting at my desk in front of my mirror I unravel my hair from the bird's nest of a bun and rake my fingers through the knots before carefully braiding it onto the side. I walk over to the small, wooden bedside table to retrieve my phone for the weather, 26c, it's going to be warm today.

I open up my dresser and slide on a pair of black skorts and a white blouse before heading back over to the desk and accessorising with a black watch I recieved for graduating and simple gold necklace Daniel bought me for our 1 year anniversary. I look at my pale complexion in the mirror and begin to put a light layer of makeup on. My door opens and Madi's head pokes through.

"Ooh, you look extra nice today, you're going to breakfast with Daniel right?"

I nod my head whilst applying some blush.

"Okay, well just so you know we need you back here by 2.30 so we can start shopping for the party that begins at 8.00. Anyways, enjoy your date!" She says before closing the door. 

I finish up with my makeup by gliding a tube of tinted lip balm over my lips and head over to the door, grabbing a black sidebag and a pair of white converse. I walk down the short corridor and the scent of buttermilk waffles lingers throughout the whole apartment. I walk into the small kitchen connected with the lounge and spot Madi preparing breakfast whilst Alex was on the couch scrolling through her phone.

Licking my lips I look over Madi's shoulder at one of the plated waffles topped with fresh berries and yoghurt "Ooh yum that looks delicious, too bad I'm going out or else I would've eaten at least five!"

They both giggle and take their seats at the round dining table.

"I still can't believe you saved Ace from getting hit with a stapler, I mean yeah you're nice and all but I would have never of thought you would run to prevent someone from getting hurt from a small object."

"I don't know what came over me! At one point I was standing there with Nick, then next thing I know I'm over at Ace's side."

"Well let's just hope you can be that fast when you meet us here at 2.30." Alex speaks with a mouthful of waffle.

I sit and talk with them for a while longer before heading out down the apartment complex and driving to the café.


Pulling out onto the side of the road to park my car was a little bit of a hassle since parallel parking was my weak point when it came to driving. I stopping the engine and checkthe time on my watch realising that the drive wasn't as long as I expected seeing as I was fifteen minutes early. I decide to go into the café and reserve a table for the both of us whilst I waited for Daniel to arrive.

As I entered the little, vintage space the air was filled with a strong aroma of caffeine. Small, round tables were placed around the area along with pastel chairs and polarized photos were scattered on the wall.

I looked around the place and opted for a round table at the back for more privacy. Taking my seat I pull out my phone from my bag and scroll through emails, it was nice to be in a relaxed space since the campus was always busy and loud, the café was quiet with only the pleasing sounds of the coffee machine and footsteps.

Interrupting my email opening I am greeted by a short, pale blonde, "Can I get you anything today?" 

"Just a small coffee thanks." I throw her a genuine smile as she writes my order down on a small notepad.

"Anything else for today or will that be it?" I think about what Daniel would want and decide to get him a small, heart shaped, sugar cookie. How cute, I know. She nods and walks away back behind the counter, taking out a small plate and placing the biscuit onto it.

"Here you go, and your coffee should be out any minute." She says placing the plate onto the table.

"Thank you."

I look back down at my watch and it's ten minutes until I get to see my beloved boyfriend. A high-pitched laugh comes from the front of the shop pulling my attention away from my watch. A tall brunette comes into my vision and I see someone slightly taller standing beside her, his back was facing me so I wasn't able to see his face. The girl finishes her order and turns back to the guy with a big grin on her face before he leans in and gives her a passionate kiss on the lips and whispers something that makes her giggle.

He waves her off and he watches her walk out of the place swaying her hips as if being seductive, he pulls out his phone and turns around to my direction. His face along with mine immediately drops from happy to shocked.


He stands there for a moment before making his way towards me, his eyes clear with regret. He arrives at the table and for a second I thought I was going to pass out. His figure towers over me since I was seated, his eyes locked with mine searching for something.

He let out a sigh, "Sarah, I'm sorry."

I didn't know what to say, what to think, all I knew is that I had to get out of there fast.

He kneels down in front of me, placing his hands onto my shoulders, "Say something baby."

Baby? Baby? How much more pathetic could this two timing jerk get? Urgh the name makes me want to vomit. He cuts me out of my thoughts when he brings his hand up to my face and wipes my cheek with his thumb. Wait I was crying? I turn my head away from his touch.

"Who do you think you are? Don't ever lay a finger on me again!" I sob angrily, pushing myself up from the seat.

He stands up from the ground and puts my hands into his own "Wait Sarah, I can explain, it's not what it looked like!"

"I saw you kissing her! I saw you put your hands on her! What else could it of been? That you were 'pretending' to be her boyfriend, 'pretending' to be passionately kissing her, 'pretending' to be serenading her with your touch?" I snatch my hands away from his and grab my bag to leave.

"Please Sarah, I said I'm sorry." He grabs my arm.

Shrugging his hand off my arm I pull out my wallet, "If everything works out by saying sorry, then why would there be laws in this world, why would there be police?"

He stands infront of me speechless, still as a statue.

Rummaging through my wallet I pull out a $10 note and place it onto the table. 

"That's for the cookie on the table, keep the change." He looks back at the table and hangs his head low. "Oh and this too." I spit in fury, ripping the gold necklace off my neck throwing it onto the table. I had to admit it hurt but not compared to what just happened to me.

I walk over to the counter and I am met with the blonde, "Is everything okay here?" her face full of concern.

"Just dandy, and my coffee - cancel the order." I walk out of the café wiping my under eyes, clearing it from any makeup streaks.

I sit in my car for a while, pulling myself together before heading back to the apartment.

OHHH SNAP! How are you guys enjoying this? Is it going too fast, too slow? Leave me your thoughts! ((AND YES BBF REFERENCE XD))

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