Chapter 4 || Party Troubles

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I park the car a few streets away, since the roads were so full and only because myself, Alex and Madi, arrived late. If I had known that there was going to be this much traffic I would've scheduled for us to leave earlier, but it's better to arrive late than not arrive at all. We make our way down the street in our dresses towards a house positioned towards the end of a street.

As we approached the beautiful house, I couldn't help but hold my breath as I took in its glory. There were gates shielding the home, made of a stunning, black stone and the mansion itself was made of a polished, white rock. I scanned the area and marble statues stood tall by the driveway, but sadly were covered in rolls of toilet paper and red cups, along with the ever so green grass which people were scattered on.

"Woah, I knew Vince was rich, but not this rich." Madi spoke in disbelief. I turned over to Alex whose eyes were in awe.

I locked my arms with theirs and proceeded to walk up the stone footpath. We get to the front entrance and out comes a group of boys holding a bottle of beer each, with every step they take, they sway drunkenly causing us to quickly step aside. The five of them stop in front of us. The smell of alcohol lingers on their bodies - the smell wanting me to puke.

"And what are you fine things doing tonight?" A tall blonde slurred before nudging his friend beside him. Madi and Alex immediately take action and start cursing them out, I stand chuckling quietly behind them, their faces grew red in embarrassment when they realised that not only were they getting told off by two girls but a small group began forming. Distracted by the scene in front of me, I jump when one of them, who is a tad taller than me surprises me from behind.

He moves in close to my face, his warm breath reeking of liquor, "Hey there sexy, I think you and I should have a little fun tonight." I frown in disgust and try to turn away but he grabs me by the arm. I am back facing his ugly smirk again and his hand travels up my arm to the side of my face, "Come on babe, I know you want to." His other hand travels down to my backside and squeezes.

What the hell is he doing? I panic and do what any girl would.

I shove him back and kick him in the balls. He roars in pain clutching his package, before falling to his knees. Everyone turns around, including the girls and stare at the unfolding scene. My eyes go to Alex and she pulls both Madi and I into the crowded house.

"What the fuck happened out there Sarah?" Alex shouts over the sea of people.

"He was saying that we should have a little fun, but then I tried to turn away and ignore him, but he grabbed me and groped my ass." I spoke, into their ears.

Alex jerked away, snapping her head towards to the front entrance where we stood before, "OH MY GOD SARAH! Should I go beat him up for you?"

I laughed shaking my head, "Nah, I think it's okay, I mean he was drunk."

"You're too nice, if it were me, he would be castrated by now. What a sick perv." Madi brings her hands up, forming knuckles.

"Anyways... I haven't seen Daniel around yet, do you think he's here?" Alex asks looking around.

I shrug at the question "Who cares about that cheating jerk, I've got better things to be worrying about."

"Okay, do you want us to stay with you tonight?"

"No! Go have fun, don't worry about me."

"Okay I guess, but let's keep our phones on and we'll meet at the front at 12.30?"

"Yep, that sounds good."

I wave them off and watch them disappear into the crowd. Grabbing my phone out of my bag, I check the time on the screen. 9.34. Great, I have a few hours to burn, what am I supposed to do?

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