Chapter 3 || The Dress

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The girl's dresses are above! ^^^

I pull up to the apartment, taking out the keys to stop the ignition. Getting into the elevator, I press the 7th floor and wait for the doors to close, I turn my head to the side examining my reflection on the mirrored wall and see that my face is blotchy as well as my eyes and nose from balling my eyes out.

How could he betray me like that?

How long has he been doing this for?

2 years of supposed love down the drain.

The elevator stops, making a ding sound. Grabbing the keys from my bag I unlock the door and see that Alex and Madi are sitting on the couch watching a television program, their heads turn to face my direction and they instantly get up from their comfort. Not wanting to face them, I quickly make my way into my bedroom shutting the door behind me. I throw my black bag onto the wooden ground beside my table and slam myself onto the bed.

Burying my face into the soft pillow I wanted to scream, I wanted to ball my eyes out until I couldn't anymore, I wanted Daniel to come back and love me, I wanted to be in his arms, but the thought of him and the brunette came back into my mind making me get up instantly and sit against the wall cursing the memories of Daniel and I.

A faint knock comes from the door, but I stay silent, the door clicks open and in walk my best friends with sympathy all over their faces.

"What did Daniel do?" Alex questions me calmly before sitting herself down on my desk chair.

"I saw him... I saw him embrace another girl... I saw him kiss another girl... I saw him cheat on me, right in front of my eyes." My voice was a bare whisper.

Madi sat on the edge of the bed holding my hand, "Are you sure? Are you 100% certain?"

I let out a breath I didn't realise I was holding, "Yes, I'm very sure, he even came up to me and apologised, but as much as I wanted to accept it and take him back, I just couldn't."

"You made the right decision Sarah, he's a little shit that doesn't deserve you, if he hadn't realised that in the years you guys were together he doesn't know that you were the best thing that ever happened to him." I nodded at Alex's comforting words.

Madi scoots in closer to me, "Will you still be able to go to the party tonight? You don't have to because I heard he may be there and we'll understand if you say no."

A part of my mind was saying to not go, to not go and look at the boy who broke your heart but another part said that I should go, go and show him what he can't ever have again.

"I'm going." Determination in my voice

"Well if that's what you want to do, let's go. You're gonna look so hot that he won't be able to resist you, he'll come crawling back regretting what he did."

I didn't want Daniel back but I wanted him to prove to him that yes, I probably was the best thing that ever happened to him and now he can't have me.


I hummed along to the song playing on the radio by Charlie and Selena, but stopped when I realised the lyrics were similar to what I was thinking.

I just hope you're lying next to somebody, who knows to love you like me, there must be a good reason that you're gone.

Every now and then I think you might want me to come show up at your door, but I'm just too afraid that I'll be wrong.

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