Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

You are invited to the Moonstone family ball on this upcoming Saturday.

We hope to see you there Tatiana. Yours truly, The Moonstone Family.

What the fudge sickle? Moonstone is the name of the closest pack that must mean Jason is a part of that pack. Fear burrows in the pit of my stomach as they plan to lure me in and trap me. Think Tatiana, what are you going to do? Could call my mom but I can't have my dad call the cops for her kidnapping me or something. I can't tell Mr. Bean he will be obligated to follow what his alpha says. What if I pretend to be naïve? Then when the idiots try to touch me I just go all witchy on their ass? That could work however that would lead to me revealing myself. I could also always tell Emily the truth and hope she forgives me for not telling her sooner. Oh yes that sounds perfect because then we can kick ass together!

Me: Hey Em u want 2 come over?

Emily: Sure whts wrong?

Me: I just want 2 talk 2 u

Emily: Is the bby fine?

Me: Yes silly! Come over w/ ice cream and pickles

Emily: Um...ok? B there soon

I breathe a sigh of relief knowing Emily will be here but then panic comes on over her coming. I will be fine, at least she will be bring me food if all else fails. Emily arrives fifteen minutes later with pregnancy cravings in tow. "Hey Em," I greet with a large hug before dragging her to the bed and taking the food from her. "I have to talk to you."

"Go ahead...." Emily trails off with obvious worry.

"Well I have this big secret and you're kind f apart of it in a way."

"I certainly did not get you pregnant!" She retorts with a snort of laughter.

"I know that! This is serious're a witch!" I blurt out wanting to get past the awkwardness. She stares at me for a while before laughing hysterically.

"Tatiana I know what I am! I can state for a fact I am one hundred percent human!"

"If I can prove it to you will you let me?"

"Sure why not? It's not like I'm going to find you even crazier." All witches have the ability to control Earth maybe some not on the same level as others but enough to grow a flower. I drag her quickly outside and to the closest park. I cast a quick spell allowing the illusion to intruders that no one is there.

"Okay come here and put your hand right here." I say leading here to a small mound of dirt and instructing her to put her hand on it. "Now think of your favorite flower. Everything about it the texture, color, size, etc. Now just concentrate on that image." After a few minutes I start to see the flower sprout from the ground and growing in between her hands. "Now open your eyes." I whisper softy to her allowing the slight breeze to carry my words in the wind. Her eyes grow wide as the flower continues to grow between her hands only stopping once she was passed out. I quickly take a step forward to catch her before teleporting us back to my place. This is going to be a little trickier than I thought. I sigh plopping down on the small couch with my tub of ice cream and pickle scoops just waiting for sleeping beauty to arise. Only after my third pickle of heaven did she wake up.

Hours later after explaining and re-explaining everything she finally acknowledged what I was saying was the truth. She was ecstatic after realizing I wasn't crazy and I'm actually a princess. She continued ranting about princes and pretty dresses...I think she watched too much Disney as a kid. I don't have the heart to tell her that there are no balls and the closest thing to a prince was my weird Uncle Fred who, thank god, is a very distant uncle with barely any witch blood. "I told you because it was too hard not telling you and I was kind of invited to this one thingy which I do believe is a trap and I kind of want you to go with me as back up." I say in a rush barely getting a breath of air in however Emily notices exactly what I said and blinks her eyes slowly as if in a daze.

"They want to hurt my niece or nephew?" She spits out between clenched teeth. I nod my head in agreement and then all hell breaks loose.

After Emily living a whole rant about how that mofo shall pay and me just munching away we are making our way to the mall. She said and I quote, "show them how badass you are in a sweet outfit." Maybe I'm a bad influence on the child. Anyways when we reach there it isn't that packed but I can still find the auras of werewolves nearby however I refuse to let them ruin shopping with my Emily. We head first to a local dress shop that is open year round with dresses for every occasion even funeral dresses. Emily finds a million dresses for me to try on, who would have pegged her to be the dressy type? The first one I try on is a royal blue color with a sweet heart neckline covered in gems that flows to the floor. It was beautiful just not my type of beautiful. So after trying on a bunch of dresses just like that I make Emily try on one because she made it quite obvious she was in love with that style. While she was doing that I went off on my own through the store to find the perfect dress. I found the most gorgeous black dress that was mermaid style meaning it would proudly show off my baby bump. As I walked back to the dressing rooms I came across a dress that would be my second choice but if I can't wear maybe Emily can so I pick it up as well.

"It looks bad doesn't it?" Emily questions picking at the blue dress that was just not her and didn't work well with her body so I just held out the gold dress I found her without further explanation. She seemed to understand what I was saying and took the dress back into the dressing room as I went into my own as well. We both come out at the same time and when we see each other we start squealing like little girls.

"That dress looks gorgeous on you." I tell Emily the complete truth. The dress is gold and glittery with a slit up the leg.

"Same goes for you! The dress makes your bump look so elegant! You look like a pregnant celebrity who is about to walk the run way!" I laugh at her craziness; she is such a goon sometimes.

"Now you're pushing it missy! Don't try to kiss up to me!" I laugh so hard I'm clutching my stomach and whipping tears. We end up buying those exact dresses and heading over to the small shoe shop across the way. I just pick out basic black pumps because when I'm I ever going to have a reason to war heels again. And then Emily just gets some sparkly nude stilettos. We finish off the shopping trip by hitting the bakery a few shops down. Emily just gets us a giant cookie with frosting on it of a dog...well I think it's a dog.

"Why did you get one so big?" I ask her innocently as we sit down in the food court to devour our cookie.

"I got tired of you whining about craving a cookie. So now you have a bunch of cookies in the form of one." I knew there was a reason I kept her around. I laugh and break a huge chunk of the cookie of before shoving it in my mouth.

"Wow you really are a fat pig!" That wasn't Emily's voice. I turn my head to find the bitch of my new school. So I started school yesterday and was only there to like sign up and sense my transfer has to be processed I start school tomorrow but while I was there I ran into Miss. Bitch over here who is actually my chosen one's girlfriend. Pathetic choice of arm candy if you ask me, anyway seeing as he's my chosen one I may have gotten a little jealous. "I'm pregnant, what's your excuse?" I say simply with a shrug of my shoulders before turning back to my yummy cookie trying to avoid his gaze.

"Wow how long did it take you to figure that out?" She retorts with a smug smile as if I won't have a retort, yeah right.

"Not as long as it took you to figure out your ABC's...your still working on that right? Good for you." She gives an angry huff as her face gets bright red. She grabs Jason's arm before storming away with her minions following their master. Emily giggles at the sight before turning back to the cookie which I haven't stopped eating.

"So I was thinking that sense I spend like all my time with you, I have no other friends and I'm eighteen maybe I could transfer here and we could get an apartment somewhere?" Emily says blushing slightly as she looks really nervous.

"That would be great Emily! I have been looking for a new place but I want a roommate I know who won't go coo-coo on me." I say with a beaming smile because in all honesty I was looking for an apartment but I didn't want a creepy roommate around my child. This will be great, Aunty Em, my baby and I one happy family.

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