Chapter 5

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Emily decided she was going to go to school with me as a part of a program to see if she really wanted to attend this school. Though between us we already know she is she just didn't want to leave me alone on my first day there. I dress quickly in some ripped black skinny jeans, my converse and a mint tank top that is lose around the stomach so it doesn't draw attention to my bump but it also doesn't hide it. Emily decided if she was starting fresh she would make sure no one would pick on her again so she went for the badass look which I am totally digging. "Come on Tatiana don't want to be late on your first day!" Emily yelled to me through the thin door of the bathroom.

"Coming," I reply while only staring at my reflection in the mirror for a few more seconds before exiting the bathroom. I make my way outside grabbing my leather jacket and brand new yellow book bag before going to my mustang which already holds Emily in the front seat. It's like déjà vu as I walk into the large building of my doom. Emily and I find ourselves at the office after receiving numerous glares and sneers.

"Can I help you?" The receptionist, who obviously is human, asks in a friendly voice.

"Yes actually I'm new here and I need my schedule and such. And this is Emily who will be shadowing me today to see if she wants to join here as well."

"Sounds lovely," the receptionist states smiling warmly. She receives my information and gives me a short speech of the school rules. Yap yap yap....I think I get it. After what seems like hours Emily and I finally are walking towards my first period which is science, a great way to start the day...not.

"May I help you?" The teacher asks looking us up in down as we walk into the classroom five minutes after bell.

"I'm a new student and she's shadowing me." I say while pointing to Emily. The teacher nods her head slowly as if in confusion why two new human students would be in a werewolf school. Well I'm actually not quite sure how that worked out either.... It must have been the werewolf king's influence to keep an eye on me.

"Well then you two can go ahead and take a seat in the back for now." He says motioning lazily in the direction of the back of the room before continuing his talk on nature. Nature meaning plant and animals and what not that a witch like me should be a pro at...still doesn't mean I like it though. Can I just say that this crap is as boring as a stripper in a nunnery? Seriously, I learned most of this before I was ten...I know crap. "Miss would you happen to know what the difference is between an animal cell and a plant cell?" I don't even pay attention as I continue to draw flowers and babies on my notepad. A nudge to the arm sends my head shooting up and I notice the teacher staring directly at me.

"Well since I learned this in seventh grade I'll dumb it down for you all. There are quite a few things one has that the other doesn't but I don't feel like listing it all out so a plant cell has a cell wall and an animal cell doesn't." I have no idea why he continues to blink at me seeing as I answered the question and showed him I was 'paying attention' to the lesson. I zone back out once his prying eyes leave me be to stalk the next victim.

Finally after drawing on Emily's arm for most of class the bell decides to ring. Sense we headed straight for class after getting here Emily has the great idea of finding my locker and using the new excuse if need be. After some searching we found the beat up crappy locker with and ugly brown tint that was now mine for the rest of the year. I put my bag in there but kept a note book, my schedule, and an emergency stash of Skittles. I think these babies will be very adventures one day seeing as they're always craving the rainbow! We head slowly as we can without being questioned to Calculus...I also have a strong hatred for math. Actually it's more like a hatred for school in general. The same routine happens in each class filled with odd looks and awkward silences.

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