Chapter 6

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The last few days at school have been hell without Em. I was always getting odd looks and being whispered about. News flash...I can hear you. We move into our apartment today and sense it's a Friday I decided to take a mental health day off from school and get everything situated at the apartment. Mr. Bean is very excited for me to be finding my way as he says. He has reassured me many times that I would indeed still have a job. I didn't have a lot, so packing wasn't the issue. The issue was finding furniture for the apartment which quite frankly we forgot all about. So, before the shops got too busy Emily and I decided to make our way to Ikea. First, we took the more fun task of looking for the baby. We decided to get a white crib and changing table because white can be easily matched for when we find out the gender of the baby. Emily and I soon after found everything we needed for our rooms. Emily wanted the blue and black theme where I went with grey and yellow. We also bought a leather rap around couch and a small flat screen TV with a dark wood TV stand, along with a matching coffee table and some kitchen appliances and bathroom curtains and such. I wanted to get more decorations to add but Emily persuading me not to after saying we could make it all with Pinterest. But I still managed to sneak a few things here and there. Unfortunately, the items won't arrive untill tomorrow morning so we will be sleeping on the cold hard ground, lovely.

So right now, I think I'm having a meltdown. The reason behind this is simple, it's Saturday. I know I said it would be fine and everything would go smoothly but I'm scared as Hell. But isn't that life? Are we not scared of something every moment of every day...whether it's fearing what others think of you or being scared you'll die? We are always scared but at this very moment I'm terrified. Over the years I haven't gotten much worth real value in my life. Not the type of value you think of with money but the type of value that goes with happiness. I was born into a broken home that seemed to shatter around me as the years dragged on but now I have a chance to not make the mistakes my parents did. I have this little jelly bean on my side along and I want to keep my most valuable possession safe but by putting myself in this position am I really doing so or am I making the same mistake as my parents? I love my mother dearly but I will not rely on her any longer so when we walk in there it will just be Emily, Jelly Bean and me against a bunch of pissed of werewolves. I pull my hair in frustration at this point because I'm forgetting why I even wanted to go in the first place. Sure have to show them I'm not a weak little human...but at what cost?

"Oh just hush Tate. I'm almost done." Emily states from behind me as she pulls a few more strands of hair, causing me to let out a small yelp, as if she is the puppet master. She has been at this for what seems like hours and my neck has already cramped up ages ago. "Ok done!" She exclaims in excitement as I'm handed a mirror. She styled my hair in a bun with cascading curls falling down. I must say I do look gorgeous. For Emily I just style her hair in a side bun wrapped in braids and a few wisps of hair falling in front of her face. Just as I add the final touches there is a loud crash from the kitchen causing us both to run out and investigate the situation. There on the counter sitting where my glass of water used to be is a beautiful calico kitten. A timid meow sounds as we can't help but stare at the kitten that somehow got into our place. Mindful of the shards of glass I reach the kitten and pick her up with delicate hands. Instantly I feel a connection to this lost kitten. I've only heard stories and tales of this connection. This sweet, adorable, mitten pawed calico was my one and only familiar. Familiars in the Magic world are rare only because they were hunted down many years before I was even born. Most familiars stay in hiding not daring to come out do to the fear they will be hunted for their power. When a witch or wizard has a familiar their power increases as the familiar allows them to harness their energy. Never did I think one would be brave enough to claim me as its witch. Grinning gleefully I clutch the kitten to my chest and turn to Emily who still has confused look on her face.

"Do you think she'll fit in a purse?" I ask Emily not bother to be ashamed to want to take my kitten with me to a ball of sorts. She shakes her head finally out of her funk and starts giggling like a maniac.

"How did the poor thing even get here? Can't you leave it here?" Emily asks between burst of giggles before slowly controlling her laughter. I puff my cheeks out in annoyance at the thought of leaving my newly bonded familiar behind.

"I'm going to get a purse to fit her in and you don't say anything!" Emily just rolls her eyes at my antic before making her way to clean up the broken glass.

"I'm sorry I have to put you in here. But you will be good for me, won't you? I just can't bear the thought of going there without you little missy." I tell the annoyed kitten who is now sitting on my bed as I shuffle through my closet for a decent purse. "Perfect!" I announce as I finally find a long gold chained small black purse big enough to fit the small kitten and my lip gloss.

"You're seriously bringing that strange cat with us?" Emily questions from the door way causing me to jump slightly.

"Of course, I am! She's my familiar and helps calm me down, plus she will help with my powers even if she is young." I state feeling proud of my little kitty's power.

"Have you at least thought of a name for her?" This brings me to a stop; all partners in crime need a good name. Cali would be too cliché and expected but I wanted her unique fur to still be part of her name. Calliope has a nice ring to it and makes her sound older. After telling Emily the name I chose for the kitten I get an odd look from her but a meow from the kitty.

"Okay we have to get going now so we aren't late to this shindig." I say after placing Calliope in the purse and slinging my arm through Emily's arm. She shakes her head at my odd choice of words but proceeds to let me drag her to my car anyway. Not knowing how Calliope would take the car ride I, reluctantly, gave Emily the keys to drive us there but only after threatening that I know where she lives. Nervousness bubbled in my chest and caused me to stroke Calliope harder. As if sensing my distress, she rubs her furry head against my bear arm effectively stopping any panic attack that was to come. Thank the Goddess I have Emily and Calliope.

We arrive with many other sleek limousines as they pull up to the valet making my car look out of place. I can tell everyone her is a wolf and we are the only non-wolves. As I step out of my suddenly opened door, I can feel all eyes on me, but I stand tall and proud, unafraid of their judgmental stares. Feeling Emily stand beside me and gently lead me to the door broke me away from everyone else and brought my attention solely on what was inside those looming doors. Laughter and conversations can be heard as we get closer and as soon as we take a step inside it all ceases to exist. Not only are all stares on me but I catch the eyes of Jason as he kisses a girl at the edge of the room. Great way to get the party rolling, if you ask me.

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