Loving Someone

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Dear Jack,

Oh god, what am I doing? I am so sorry, love. Please don't hate me. Who am I kidding? Of course you're going to hate me. I'm so sorry. So so sorry.

By the time you're reading this, I'll be gone and you'll probably hate me. Carrie texted me and made threats and I didn't know what else to do. Just know that I'm doing this to protect you. I don't want her to hurt you. She's absolutely psychotic and I know that she would really hurt you and I just want to keep you safe. You are my precious angel and I would hate myself if I let anything happen to you.

I'm going to use this letter to tell you everything I will never get to tell you in person now. I know that you'll never speak to me after what I'm doing. I deserve it.

You are the love of my life. I will never love anyone but you. Every second I spent with you was perfect. Even if we were just sitting around talking about nothing. Just being with you made it amazing. You are my everything. You know, whenever I imagined my future, you were always there with me. I imagined us going to the same college, living together, getting married, getting a house, adopting a precious little baby of our own, getting a dog, getting plants, making breakfast together, having family movie nights every week. I imagined growing old with you. I imagined us being happy forever. That's everything I'll ever want. I am so madly in love with you. I never want you to forget that, because lord knows I never will. You deserve all the happiness in the world. I'm sorry.

-All the love,

Alex (the boy who will never stop loving you)  

As I finish reading the letter, I smile through my tears. I had a dream that I never got Alex back from Carrie, and that she was still hurting him, and I woke up crying. I put the letter back in the nightstand drawer and roll over to face Alex, who's asleep to my left. I take in his beautiful, sleeping face and smile. As I snuggle up to him, I think about what happened that day all those 9 years ago. In the end, I told Carrie that Alex was leaving her and that she couldn't hurt him anymore, then slammed the door in her face and never opened it until she left. She was kind of a laughing stock when everyone found out that Alex left her for me. She ended up transferring schools because she complained to her dad and we never heard from her again. Good riddance.

Suddenly I hear a small voice from the doorway whisper, "Daddy?" I look up and see our beautiful daughter standing in the door with her stuffed bunny in her arms and our German shepherd by her side.

"Hey, angel. What are you doing up?" I whisper back, not wanting to wake Alex.

"I had a bad dream," she says as her little lip trembles.

"Come here. Daddy had a bad dream too. It's alright, sweetie." She climbs into our bed and crawls over Alex, waking him up in the not-so-gentle process.

"Amy? What are you doing?" he says in sleepy confusion.

"I had a bad dream, Dad. I need cuddles to make it go away." Alex's face cracks into a grin as he cuddles her close to his chest. I wrap both my husband and daughter into my arms as the dog gets comfortable at our feet, and we all sigh in contentment. My life is everything Alex said he imagined in his letter, and I do have all the happiness in the world. Moments like these are my happiness.  

*A/N~ I hope this gave any of you who still care some closure.  I'm sorry that I never really finished this.  Thank you for reading.  All the love

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