4th Tag

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So I was tagged by the lovely alienqveen who you should all check out if you haven't already to do this tag called the biggest fears tag. I think I'm just meant to name my biggest fears and explain a bit so here goes...

Bugs crawling on me when I'm asleep.
So I read somewhere that on average a human eats about 8 spiders in their sleep a year, which is creepy af and disgusting and probably not entirely true but it still makes me shiver thinking about it.

Losing the ones I love
Now this is one most people probably have but just thinking about the day when I will lose some of the people closest to me makes me really scared because I have no idea how I will cope.

Please don't laugh at me, I am actually very scared boats and ferries etc because I just keep thinking what if we end up like the fricking Titanic man, plus I get sea sick so that doesn't help. And yippee I have to go to Belgium on a ferry in May so that journey should be real fun.

Thanks for tagging me alienqveen
I tag:
You guys totally don't have to if you don't want to, so don't worry about it! Sorry if I missed anyone as well. :)

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