Out in the Open

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*In the dance practice room*
Jimin POV

"Ugh J Hope and the dance instructor are being all cutesy-coupley again, ever since their date they have been all over each other" Yoongi said in disgust, he had never really been one for PDA and I think he found J Hope and his new boyfriend quite sickening.

"Well if they are going to do it so can we" I said to him and turned around to face him. He tore his gaze away from J Hope and the new dance instructor and changed his expression from disgusted to confused.

"What?" he asked me and I replied simply by hooking my arms around his neck and inching my face closer to his own. "I said if they are going to do it so are we" I whispered onto his lips, ghosting above them lightly.

He groaned slightly before pulling back and resting our foreheads together. "You know I don't like PDA babe" he whispered and I smirked at him. "Yeah but you like kissing me right?" I asked cockily and his resolve seemed to break. "True" he replied before grinning and pressing our lips together in a furious kiss. I sure am going to enjoy this...

Jung Kook POV

I had just finished going through the current choreography and was completely out of breath when I felt a pair of arms slip around my slim waist. I smiled and pulled his arms further around me, securing them on my stomach. I didn't even need to turn around to find out who  it was.

By this point Tae's body was completely pressed up against my back and I could feel every curve of his body, I can't lie I was enjoying it. "Look around you" he whispered, his low voice tickling my ear.

I did as he said and I was met with the sight of practically every one else in the room preoccupied with their own conversations and flirtations. "Why?" I asked, confused by his request. "Everyone is preoccupied" he said "so no one would even notice if we were to... I don't know slip away maybe?" he whispered to me suggestively.

I grinned, picking his hands up off my stomach, leading him out of the room. "Come on then..."


While Jimin and Yoongi were in the corner making out and whispering between themselves, J Hope and the new dance instructor were flirting and V and Jung Kook had disappeared off to the bathroom together, NamJoon and I were actually trying to get the choreography down. Well... sort of.

"Oops" I said as I stumbled on the footwork of the dance and ended up falling into NamJoon. I bowled into him and we both ended up on the floor, me on top of him, both red in the face and laughing. I was out of breath with laughter by this point and I was about to get up off Rap Monster when suddenly his expression changed serious and he pulled me back down, securing me on top of him by the waist.

We made eye contact with each other and something inside me snapped. I smashed my lips down on his own plump ones and kissed him like I was starving and he was only chance of survival. Eventually we both pulled back, out of breath and I smiled at him widely. "You know Jin I might just be falling in love with you" he whispered, his sweet breath brushing across my face.

I can't even express my feelings in that moment. Shock, surprise, joy... love. A mix of all four I think. My heart was in my throat as I brushed his soft cheeks with my fingertips. "You know what NamJoon I think I might be falling in love with you too."

A/N~ Thank you all so much for reading guys, I haven't exactly decided what I'm going to do with this fanfiction or if this is the end, I think I may do something in J Hope's perspective as I haven't done that in a while but I don't really know yet. Anyway I hope you enjoyed!

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