I Got Your Back

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Me too Suga, me too.

J Hope POV

Ever since he took me out to dinner that night so I could explain why I was about to lock Jin and NamJoon in the practice room, the dance instructor and I have become very close. Dinner went amazingly and it turns out we had a lot in common, we both liked dancing, liked the same type of music, were from the same place, and were the same age.

He had walked me back to my room and given me a good night kiss and as soon as he did that I knew I was long gone.

I was surprised to find that not only were Jin and NamJoon together but also Jung Kook and V and Jimin and Yoongi. It seemed as though everyone had a partner now and because I now had my boyfriend Jay and effectively it was down to them that we met under the circumstances we did, there were no hard feelings among NamJin and I. Team work was running smoothly and everything for once was completely comfortable between us, we all completely trusted and had each other's backs.

I was snapped out of my reverie as things got a little more heated, slender fingers tangling themselves in my hair as I moaned into Jay's mouth. He tilted my face to the side to allow better access and I hooked my arms up around his neck, clinging to him tightly and pressing our bodies together.

We had been given our own room together as the room arrangements had been somewhat shifted in the last week or so. Jin and NamJoon stayed together but Jung Kook moved in with V, Jay shared my room now in place of Kookie and then Jimin and Yoongi remained the same too.

At first we weren't sure what PD Nim would make of the arrangements or the fact that we were all in relationships but surprisingly he was really rather on board with it. Maybe a little too on board actually... Anyway back to the matter at hand...

A/N~ hey guys thank you for reading, this is pretty much the last chapter but I may update something if I feel like it depending on how much time I have. I'm thinking about starting another new fanfiction too at some point, so if anybody is interested be sure to watch out for that! Also mega high five if anyone got the reference in the title and pieced it together based on J Hope's boyfriend's name ( I bet no one did at all but oh well. :) )

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