10th Tag

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So I was tagged to do this hella confusing tag by jungkook_is_life so thank you for that and I'm going to attempt it:


- posting rules is a must

- must tag 13 people

- answer the question assigned and must come up with a new question for people to answer

- tagging back is allowed

- finish the tag in 2 weeks max

- must be creative with tag name

Questions and Answers:

1) Between GOT7 and BTS who do you pick?
That is a really cruel question because I love them both to bits but BTS because they were he group that got me into Kpop and are my ultimate bias group.

2) Do you love food?
Apart from Kpop food is my life, I love it a little too much.

3) Since when have you listened to Kpop?
Around this time last year was when I properly got into it but I have known about SHINee for a lot longer.

4) Who is your bias in BTS?
I honestly can't choose between Suga, Jin and JungKook but I think Jin.

5) Do you read Vkook (or your favourite ship) smut?
Hells yes. And Vkook is my OTP.

6) Do you read smut?
Well I kinda already answered that one.

7) Do you read hardcore smut?
What even are these questions, I'm very confused by what that even is lol.

8) Are you a hardcore shipper of your BTS ship?
YASSS VKook is real you guys.

9) Who is your BigBang bias?
G Dragon but TOP and Seungri are bias wreckers af.

10) What is your nationality/ what country are you from?
I'm half Scottish and half English and I live in the UK.

11) BamBam or JungKook?
I freaking love BamBam he is such a cutie pie but Imma have to say JungKook because BTS is my bias group.

12) JiHope or Vkook
I love JiHope but I also ship YoonMin so I'm going to have to say Vkook because they are my OTP.

13) How many hours have you slept for in a row?
Idek, I sleep quite a lot so probably around 20 hours or something knowing me.

14) What is the least amount of sleeping hours you have gotten?
Once I was invited to a party and I stayed over at my friends house for the night afterwards and we stayed up all night literally not sleeping at all and had school the next morning so I guess like practically none.

15) How many languages do you know? And what are they?
Obviously I speak fluent English but:
-Latin (does this count lol)
-A bit of Norweigan
-A bit of Italian
-A bit of Russian
-A bit of Japanese
-A tiny bit of Korean because I'm trying to learn it haha.
Please don't think I'm showing off because I'm not, languages are just my passion and I put everything into learning them.

My Questions for y'all:

1) What is your OTP?

2) What is your bias group?

3) Who is your ultimate bias?

4) How did you get into Kpop?

5) When did you get into Kpop?

6) What is your current favourite rookie group?

7) What is your favourite food?

8) Favourite BTS song?

9) What is your life motto?
(Mine is 'I don't give a shit' as said by Mr Min YoonGi)

10) Has a Kpop MV ever made you cry? If so what was it?

11) What is your favourite BTS era?

12) V with purple or orange hair?

13) Favourite TV show?

14) What is your nationality/ country you live in?

15) What is your age?

Ok so I tag:
Again sorry if I missed anyone or tagged anyone who has either already done it or doesn't want to. Only do this if you want guys! Sorry for my crappy answers/ questions as always and thanks for reading. :)

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