11th Tag

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Hey guys, so I think for now I may just use this book for a few more of my tags until I officially end it with another chapter I have planned that I will publish at some point. I was tagged by the lovely -hanabi- to do the flower tag and it looked fun so I'm going to attempt it!

Daisy- How old were you when you had your first kiss?
I'm 15 and I still haven't had it yet but that's ok because I'm saving myself for someone anyway.

Carnation- if I handed you a concert ticket right now, who would you want the performer to be?
Definitely BTS because they are my ultimate bias group and I love them to bits.

Jasmine- what colour looks best on you?
Probably black or grey tbh because they make me look skinnier than I actually am and 90% of my wardrobe consists of those two colours.

Foxglove- name three facts about your family.
1) I have a little brother who is 3 years younger than me and is my polar opposite.

2) the two sides of my family (Mum's side and Dad's side) hate each other and I never get to see them at the same time. Also my Dad hates my Mum's parents and vice versa.

3) I don't have any uncles because my Dad's sister got a divorce and my Mum's sister is unmarried and has no kids. Also I'm the only girl (not woman) in the family as all of my cousins are boys and I have no sister.

Allium- what is the best thing you can cook?
I actually love cooking but I usually get help off my Mum so the best thing I can make completely on my own would be a roast dinner or my family famous spaghetti bolognese.

Oxlip- would you ever get into a long distance relationship?
Umm I'm already in one, my boyfriend Kim SeokJin lives in South Korea. But for real though it depends, if I love that person enough then yes I would make it work.

Daffodil- what is the most thoughtful present you have ever received?
Gosh idek, probably a framed picture of me and my friends or a mug that my friend made and decorated herself that has all my silly nicknames on it.

Rose- are you currently in love with someone?
Yes, Jin. But someone I know? I wouldn't say in love...

Peony- what is you favourite hot beverage?
A good old cup of tea because I am extremely British.

Myrtle- do you like going on aeroplanes?
I HATE security it makes me all panicky and anxious even though I have done nothing wrong, but I actually don't mind aeroplane journeys, I find the take-off quite fun.

Zinnia- who was your best friend when you were six years old?
I can't really remember but all of my friends were boys right through primary school so probably a guy called Jamie.

Locust- what was your favourite book as a child?
These questions are hard! I think it was Aladdin because my Dad used to read it to me when I was really little.

Queen Anne's lace- would you rather carve a pumpkin or wrap presents?
Definitely wrap presents because I don't really celebrate Halloween but I love Christmas.

Magnolia- what is your favourite type of sweet?
I basically love all sweets because I have a massive sweet tooth, obviously chocolate if that counts, but otherwise probably anything sour because I LOVE sour stuff.

Aster- would you rather be hot or cold?
Definitely cold because I love the winter so much, and when I'm hot I get too tired to do anything and sweat a lot which is not attractive.

Heliconia- do you like it when it rains?
Not if I'm outside because my hair goes frizzy as hell when it gets wet and is a nightmare but if I am inside then yes. I love the idea of it raining outside while I am all snuggled up inside.

Azalea- what is a movie you cried to while watching?
Obviously 'the Fault in our Stars' even though I had already read it so I knew what was coming but also 'If I stay.' The part where the Grandad is saying to her while she is in her coma that it's ok if she wants to leave and just die because it will be hell for her if she wakes up, like jesus thank god I watched that alone because that got me, I don't think I have ever cried that hard at a movie.

So thanks again to -hanabi- for tagging me, this was fun and I tag anyone at all who wants to do it, just say I tagged you! Sorry for my rubbish answers!

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