Failed Attempt.

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"You failed so bad Seth..." Dean laughed. "I told you, I'm not ready, that's why I got out your grip."

"Deean... Stop teasin' me would you?!" Seth hissed and lay under the covers. Dean smirked and crawled in bed before putting one arm beside Seth's ribs and the other beside his back. 

"Oh come on... I'm only playing..." He said and leaned down slightly towards him. Seth looked at him blushing a bit but looked confused. 

"What are you doing?...."  Seth questioned confused at what his boyfriend had in mind. 

"Maybe I was just teasing you.. or maybe... I was getting you ready?..." Dean smirked before pressing his lips against Seth's. Seth groaned slightly and kissed back; he didn't care if Dean meant it or not-- he'd go as far as he could with him right now.

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