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[chapter three.]


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I opened the door to my father who immediately came barreling into my room.

   "Where the hell have you been all day, hmm? We had company, a visiting pack, and you run off to the woods! What do you have to say for yourself?"

    When I didn't answer, he sneered.

   "Oh. That's right. You don't talk at all. You never have anything to say."

    And with that, he punched me in the jaw.

    Groaning, I clutched my jaw. But only to be hit again, this time on my left eye. Blinded by the pain, I failed to notice how the hits stopped coming.

    Looking out my good right eye, I saw two people on the floor fighting. It was my father and...

    My mate! It was the stranger from earlier! And he was beating up my father?!

    What the hell? Why was he beating my father up?

    Because he's protecting you. You're his mate and the mate bond is in action.

    Ya' know Ambrosia, you're very smart for a voice inside my head.

    I'll take that as a compliment.

    Cupping my eye, I rushed over to where my mate and father were struggling on the floor.

    Grabbing my mate by the back of his shirt with my free hand, I used all of my strength to yank him back.

    Thinking I was another enemy to fight, he turned towards me with a murderous look in his eyes and both his fists raised.

    Preparing for a blow, I instantly fell to the floor protecting my head with my arms.

    Whimpering, I waited for the blow to come, but it never did. I glanced up at him to see him looking down at me, his blue eyes dark with an unreadable expression.

    Using me as a distraction, my father tackled the man from behind managing to get him into a headlock.

    As if on instinct, the man changed into his wolf form.

    His eyes changing from blue to golden in just a few seconds. His wolf was very large. But that was to be expected, as he was of alpha blood. The coat was so black it looked almost blue. On his hip, you could see his pack markings.

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