Well that was Awkward

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Author's Note: I am terribly sorry that I haven't been writing but I'm back. Hopefully I can stay with this story. Also leave your ideas in the comments if you'd like to see it in the story.
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"He's soooo adorable, cute and surprisingly friendly!" Lucas thought aloud. "But if he were to find out I have a little...crush on him!" He gasped. "Oh no-no-no-no-no-no-nO!"

Sure, just a "little" crush on him. Come on you know it's much more than that.

"Oh be quiet!" Lucas yelled.

Lucas hated when his consciousness did that. He noticed it was a extremely quiet so he lifted his head up and looked around. Everyone had directed their attention to him. Lucas blushed and glanced around the hall trying to find a way out of this. He then found the class he was headed to.

"Oh hey that's my class...uh, G0ttA bLasT!" He hurried.
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Ness was already in class. So he decided to talk to his buds before class starts.

"Hey a Ness" Paula chirped.

"Oh hey Paula", Ness replied.

Paula's ear to ear smile turned into a pissed off face. She then took out a pencil from her purse and purposely dropped it.

"Oops", she giggled. Paula said in a very ditzy tone, "I guess I better pick it up..." And as she bent over her dress went up bit and Ness could the the bottom of her underwear! He grimaced at the look of her bum.

Oh she's FLAT! I mean there's nothing there! What am I looking at?! Owww owww what the hell!

Ness nodded.

After what had seemed like for ever she finally stood up.

"I got it~", Paula giggled. "Great" Ness said quite bothered. "Can you sit down now?"

Ness saw that Paula was confused. Ness sighed.

"Uh-uh-uh Paula!" some kid called out. "I uh d-dropped my pencil...hehE, can you pick it up?"

He said in the strangest voice Ness thought it was like he was high AF. Then Ness noticed the sly look on his face. "Oh hell no!" He thought. "Sure she's flat and all but hey that's my fReN!" He told himself.

"Hey!" Ness yelled. "Why don't you calm down dude!" "S-sorry", the boy stuttered.

Ness was glaring at him to make sure he understood to not mess with his fReNs. Ness could see Paula blushing from the corner of his eye. When Paula blushed it was pretty bright so everyone would know. He rolled his eyes and went to to go sit back down. Finally the teacher had come and someone was behind him but Ness didn't care to look. Ness was just talking to his GoOD pals.
"Oh my goodness that was awkward! Everyone was staring at me like I was a lunatic!" Lucas thought. Lucas was looking for a seat and spotted Ness. He felt his heart drop to his stomach. And he began to hyperventilate.

"Okay...calm down...this shouldn't be weird...I'll just find a seat near him...wait?! Wouldn't that be creepy though?!" Lucas said through pants. "Lucas you need to pull yourself together!"

Lucas then noticed that he was still up at the front. He could hear some giggling and some mean comments being said about him. Of course this made his self-esteem go down. He then slowly walked to the last seat that was available.

"Ugh it's all they way in the back", Lucas whined.

The desks were quite close to each other so it was hard for Lucas to get through(not to mention his behind was rather large)the desks.

While Lucas was struggling Ness was talking to his fReNs and Lucas happened to be passing by him. Lucas was trying to get though his butt was right next to Ness. Ness had no idea whose butt it was.

"Uh, excuse me...", Ness said

"Huh? Oh! I'm so sorry!" Lucas said surprised.

Ness was pretty surprised too! His eyes were wide. Ness realized that it was a GUY!

"I am so sorry I mean these tables are to close and it's hard for me to fit through an-" Ness cut him off.

"I-it's fine", Ness said looking to his left.

Lucas gulped

Lucas finally made it to his chair, and he was all red! And he knew that when he got red it was red! Lucas was glancing around and thinking about what just happened while trying to cover his face. Ness was thinking about the incident too but...in a different perspective.
They were 15 minutes into class, Ness usually would take notes and all but he couldn't get his mind off the incident. "That was really awkward I mean...what the heck it was...STRANGE!" He was thinking to himself.

Oh please! It's obvious that it turned you on!

"What?! No way I'm a guy though a-a-and...", He trailed off into his thoughts.

You're thinking about it right now.

Ness caught himself.

He felt his cheeks get warm. And felt a weird sensation. He looked down and looked back up.

"Great, just great" he told himself sarcastically. "Today's gonna be a loonng day", Ness told himself.

Ohhh but you're gonna love it.

Author's Note: Wow that was long but oh my goodness it felt GoOD! So what do ya guys think? So from now in I have decided to make long juicy chapters that take a while because I can put more into one chapter instead of having to wait to make the other chapter. Alright, GoODbYe to all of y'all!

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