Chapter 8 - Felix's Interrogation

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"You fixed Turbo's code?!" Vanellope asked Felix angrily, as Ralph and Calhoun both glared at him. They were back in the entrance room of Vanellope's castle, as the three disappointed friends sat around the throne, understandably upset at Felix, who stood in front of them.

Felix looked down at the ground and sighed, "Well...yeah...I did...I bribed Sour Bill to let me in the code room, and then I tried to sneak him into the penthouse..."

"You tried to take him to the penthouse?!" Ralph asked, surprised that such a thing would even come out of the mouth of such an honest, good-hearted man.

The guilty protagonist twiddled his thumbs, "Yeah...I did...I was going to sit him down in my room and try to talk to him...maybe even try to help him put himself back together..."

"Felix, do you know how dangerous that is?!" Calhoun said in a stern tone, "You almost brought a virus into your own game! Your little friend there is no better than a full swarm of Cy-bugs being set loose into the arcade!"

"Yeah, he even said so himself," Ralph seconded, "I remember him telling me that he was 'the most powerful virus in the arcade' after getting eaten by the Cy-bug. That guy is too dangerous for you to just drag around like that. Who knows what he crap could've tried to pull with our game?!"

Vanellope folded her arms, "Not only that, but do you even remember what he tried to do to me?! The guy's a lunatic! Why would you even try to support him in the first place?"

Felix looked back up at his friends, "I know. I shouldn't have done what I did, and I'm terribly sorry. It's just....I didn't want to just sit back and continue going about my business while Turbo is just aimlessly wandering Sugar Rush, endlessly regretting all the terrible things he's done in his life. I don't think I would ever be able to forgive myself if I just left him like that. Nobody deserves something that emotionally scarring and painful."

Vanellope gave a confused look, "Um, Earth to Felix. You still there? We're talking about Turbo here. You know, the guy who got two entire games unplugged and then went in and reprogrammed Sugar Rush? How does he not deserve that? I went through the same thing for an entire fifteen years. He's only dealt with it for four. He can get over himself."

Calhoun glared at her husband, "I just can't believe you would give mercy to such a deranged monster like him."

Felix looked up at his wife, on the verge of tears, "He's not a monster, Tamora! He's just been making very poor decisions during his life! Deep down inside, he's just like any one of us in this room. He's just a regular guy who's been corrupted by his own jealousy and confusion..."

She squinted her eyes a little, "And just how exactly do you know that for sure, Fix-it?"

The builder sighed, "...I know because I was his friend back when the arcade was starting out.....we used to go over to Tapper's and talk.....we would come over to each other's games and just spend quality time with one another.......he was just your average video game protagonist....with friends.....his own game....and nobody that could point fingers at him and point out his shortcomings..."

Vanellope's eyes widened, "Whoa, no way! You guys were friends at one point?! I never would've guessed you guys were even acquaintances! You two are nothing alike!"

Ralph looked turned from angry to sad, "Oh.....right.....I completely forgot about that...sorry, Felix..."

Felix looked up at his colleague, "There's nothing to be sorry about. Trust me, I get it. It's hard to even imagine so after everything that's happened. I completely understand how you could've forgotten about that."

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