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"Oh, Chris! You'd look beautiful in this one!" I sigh. It's the day before my wedding day, and everyone is trying to get me to wear a dress instead of the suit we picked out months ago. Jeff pushes another dress at me. "No, this one is perfect!" Him and Beck get into an argument, causing Brandon and Zack to argue too. I sigh again, irritated. "That's it! One more thing about a damn dress, I'm burning them. All of them. No matter the cost." Everyone quiets down. "Good. Now, it's late and I have a wedding to get to tomorrow and a baby to take care of, so could you all take these horrid dresses and leave my room?" Brandon opens his mouth to protest, but Jeff starts to walk away, causing Brandon to follow with a worried glance in my direction. Beck and Zack leave, no questions asked. I close the door behind them and press my back against it, remembering the time Jacob had pinned me against it and ravished me. It felt amazing. I sigh, no use getting worked up for nothing. I haven't seen my Jakey for an entire week. He insisted on staying at a hotel until our big day. Sage has been a bit fussy since she hasn't seen her father. I miss his touch, his kisses, him. I can't wait until tomorrow so I can finally have him in my arms. "Aa! Aa!" I turn and smile at our beautiful daughter. She's going to be the flower girl, with help from Brandon. It warms my heart that Jacob asked Brandon to be his best man. Beck is mine and Sandy is giving me away. I love how my life turned out to be. My thoughts are interrupted by a knock on the door. I open it, and allow Evan into my room. He jumps onto my bed with a big smile. "Hey Chris!" I smile at him. "Hey." I sit next to him, handing Sage to him. His smile falls a bit. "Y'know, we haven't really hung out much since you and big bro started dating. I'm super happy for you, but I feel a bit left out." I frown. He's right. I've been so focused on Sage and Jacob that I've nearly forgotten about Evan. I nudge him and give him a smile. "How about you walk with Sage? You could be the ring bearer. How's that sound?" He smiles. "That sounds awesome! Hey! So, does this mean that Sage is my sister?" A small laugh leaves my lips. "Well, she's your niece but if you want to act as a big brother, I would appreciate it." He nods, his eyes gleaming with happiness. "Okay! I'll do my very best as a big brother!" I kiss his cheek. "I know you will, now it's time for bed. You wouldn't want to over sleep and miss the wedding." Evan stands up and gently sets Sage into her crib. "Goodnight Chris." I smile. "Goodnight Evangeline." His smile widens as he leaves the room. I change into Jakey's pajamas and slip into bed. Tomorrow we will finally be married.

My life is almost complete. All I need to do is walk down the aisle, say "I do", and I'll be complete. I'll have the man of my dreams, a loving family, and my beautiful daughter. "Chris!" I turn to look at Brandon. "Y-yeah?" "It's about time to start the wedding. Are you alright? You seem nervous." I sigh. "Of course I'm nervous! I'm nineteen. Are we rushing this?" Brandon laughs. "You should see Jacob. I just checked on him and he's nearly sweating buckets. He didn't even have his shirt on until I told him to. He's at the alter right now. All that's missing is you." I smile. Jakey is more nervous than I am. "Are you ready, Chris?" Nodding, he leads me to the doors. Brandon kisses my cheek and I watch as him, Jeff, Zack, and Beck walk down and go to their respective sides. Evan carries Sage down, and Sage throws down petals. I look to my side and see Sandy waiting with a smile. She hands me my flowers and I take a deep breath. She sets her hand in the crease of my elbow, and we walk down the aisle with the wedding march in the background. As soon as I enter I make eye contact with my stunning Jakey. His black suit fits him well and I'm hoping my white one looks decent as well. I make it half way to the alter, before both of us run towards each other and hug each other tightly. "You promised you wouldn't go away for long amounts of time. I missed you so much." He smiles against my neck. "I missed you too." We pull apart to the laughter of our guests. Jacob clears his throat and makes his way back to the alter. I'm sure we both have bright blushes across our faces. Sandy steps up beside me and we walk the rest of the way. I hand her my flowers and I hold onto Jakey's hands. He tightens his grip and smiles at me. The rest of the ceremony is a bit of a blur. The only part I seem to really remember, is when we kissed after we both said, "I do."

The reception included a lot of presents and congratulations. I couldn't be happier. I watch as Brandon stands up with a microphone that I didn't know we had. "Hey everyone! This is my baby brother's wedding and I have to say I'm a bit mad that he got married before me." Everyone laughs a bit. "Anyways, I think it's time to dance! Jacob, Chris, it's your time in the spotlight once more! Jeff, would you join me?" Jeff blushes furiously as he accepts the invitation. Zack and Beck join the couple. Jacob stands and offers me his hand. I accept it with a huge smile. We dance for what seems like eternity, then we switch partners. I danced with Evan and Jacob danced with Sage. If that isn't the cutest thing I've ever seen, I don't know what is. We switch back and Evan is dancing with Sage. I smile at him and he smiles back while Sage giggles at being spun around. I lean into Jacob and we share a sweet kiss.

Jacob leans back on our bed in our new house and sighs. "Y'know, I've gotta admit. This isn't how I expected I'd get married." I sit next to him and press a hand to his forehead. He takes it and sits up, pressing a kiss to it. I smile. "Really? What did your ideal wedding look like? Y'know, hypothetically. I promise I won't get upset." He nods, but hesitates. "Well, I uh..." I nudge him. "C'mon, Jakey. I won't get mad! I already promised!" He smiles slightly. "Well, alright then. I thought I'd have a blonde wife with a curvy body, we'd have a huge wedding with lots of friends and family. For the dance, we would laugh as we try not to step on the dress. Mom and dad would've been proud..." I feel a pang of guilt hit me hard as I gaze into his nostalgia glazed eyes. He must've noticed, because he pulls me into his arms. "Hey now, you promised not to get mad." I can believe I've been so selfish! If it weren't for me, Jacob would've had his dream wedding! I'm an awful person. "I'm not mad, Jakey. I just...I feel terrible. If I hadn't have gotten hurt that day, you would've had your dream wedding." He pulls back and stares into my eyes. "Is that what you think?" I nod. "Did we not have fun dancing? Didn't I apologize for stepping on your feet? Several times? Didn't we smash cake into each other's faces? Well, didn't we?" "Yeah, but I don't see how--" "Baby, that is my dream wedding! Sure, you didn't have a dress on, and you aren't a woman, but I don't care! The fact that it was you and we had fun, is enough to make my dream wedding, a perfect wedding. Do you understand? It isn't your "fault" or anything. I had started developing feelings for you even before that accident. It just gave me a push in your direction. I never told you, but remember way back? The day of your accident?" I feel my face heat up as I nod. "Well, all day I couldn't stop thinking about how badly I'd fucked up. I couldn't stand the thought of you resenting me, but I didn't know that yet. I just thought I wanted you to teach me how to bond with my brother. I also couldn't stop thinking of your ass when my brother had pulled you into the window to talk to you." My eyes widen. "A-are you serious? I thought you were looking at that group of girls!" He rolls his eyes. "They were fangirls more than anything, really." I bite my lip and look away. There's something I've always wanted to ask him, but never did. "What is it, baby?" "Um...well, I was wondering...f-for a while now...what did that guy whisper in your ear? You know what I'm talking about, right?" He nods. "He said, "since your gay, you must strive to get dick, how about after this you suck mine?" or something like that, then he kissed my neck and that's when I elbowed him in the face and saw you run away." I lean towards him and connect our lips in a brief kiss. "I love you." He grins. "I love you too, wife." I shove him down and lay on top of him, both of us laughing. "Today was perfect, Chris. I promise. I wouldn't have it any other way." I nuzzle closer to him. "Neither would I, Jakey."

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