Chapter 20

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Kota P.O.V

I was currently being childish and jumping on the bed with Tyler.

It's been a few weeks since Ty and I have been back together and things couldn't be better. We have been working on our trust and communication. 

" Ow fuck." I yelled as I fell off of Tyler's bed. Tyler jumped off his bed and was dying laughing.

" Yo what happened ?" He said, still laughing.

"Nigga help me up." I groaned. He grabbed my hand and raised me off the floor. I went to put pressure on my left foot but it hurt. 

" What's wrong ?

" M-My foot. " I stuttered while biting my lip.

" Maybe we should go to the hospital." I nodded my head. I couldn't believe I was actually this clumsy.

" Let me just change shirts and throw on some shoes. " I nodded and watched him get dressed. I looked at his toned body and whistled.

" Aw stawp it " He said while flipping his imaginary weave. He picked me up and carried me to his car.

Tyler P.O.V

" SAY OUU GURL " Kota sang while sticking her head out the window. 

We pulled up to an Urgent Care and I carried her out the car. I picked this instead of an hospital because I knew we could get in and get out. They would just do an x-ray on her foot and keep it moving.

We went inside and told the receptionist her name and shit and she put her on a wheelchair. 

"You will be escorted to the back soon." 

Poor babe. She did look hot as fuck in her Supreme shirt, sweats, and OF socks though. Her hair was in a messy bun but I liked it like that. I pulled out my phone to take some pictures. In one she was making a sad face. I liked that one so I posted it on Instagram. 

" Ms. Tanner will be out soon sir " They doctor reassured me as she took Kota in a room. I sat down and wrote some lyrics. 

Kota P.O.V

Turns out I sprained my foot. They wrapped it and gave me crutches. I hopped out the room on my crutches to go get Tyler so we could go home. I got to the waiting room and saw him sitting with his Beats on bobbing his head. I stood in front of him and he looked me up and down.

" Oh no look at my baby " He said in this weird ass voice. I chuckled and carefully sat down next to him.

" I know , I'm broken. " I pouted. He put me on his lap and gave me a kiss. The Doctor came and cleared his throat to get our attention.

" Alright Ms. Tanner stay off that foot and we will see you for your appointment in a few weeks. " The doctor smirked at me. He was cute but wasn't my type. Tyler could tell Doc was feeling me.

" Aye faggot her eyes are not down there " He said while gesturing to from my butt to my eyes. I grabbed Tyler's arm.

" Babe how about you carry me to the car so we can go to your place and chill? " I said. I rubbed his chest to get his attention. He shrugged.

" Whatever. But is there anyway possible you can get a female doctor? Fucking dooche over. Imma have to- " I cut him off because I was aggravated.

" God dammit Tyler can we just go already? I don't fucking like my doctor. So let's roll." I carefully , but fastly hopped away to the car. I heard Tyler's footsteps behind me trying to catch up. I got in the front seat, put in my headphones and closed my eyes. I was not in the mood right now.

Tyler P.O.V

Okay I overreacted. It's just ... I get so fucking paranoid. When Ko got in the car I could tell she was having a mood swing. She hasn't taken her pills in awhile, I've been stressing her out, and she has a broken foot. I think what has really been bothering me is the fact that I have to go on tour soon, and it's killing me to leave her.  

Kota P.O.V

One week later

It's been really weird this past week. I barely see Tyler during the day cause he's been "working on things", but he won't tell me what he is doing. I feel like he is hiding something, and it's making me nervous. 

I've also been on edge because I'm still waiting on my period. I don't think we used protection the first time, so I've been paranoid. I don't remember using a condom. I can't be pregnant. Not now. My foot is broken! I have to be on these stupid crutches. How can I carry a baby on crutches? 

Me and Tyler are on the way back from iHop. I need to tell him to stop at the store so I can get a pregnancy test. I need to kill my curiosity. 

" Uh, Tyler? " I said. He looked surprised since we barely have been talking this car ride.

" Yes babe? "

" Can we stop at CVS or some shit like that? "

" Why? " He said with a weird expression. Think Dakota think.

" Um I need to get tampons. " His eyes grew wide.

" Uh uh ... K " That was awkward. We pulled into the store and he decided to stay in the car. 

I went in and got a First Response pregnancy test and another brand just to be sure. I decided to grab some tampons to so he wouldn't be suspicious. I got in the car and Tyler just looked at me.

" The fuck? " I said kinda annoyed.

" I'm sorry for staring alright? " He groaned.

" K " The ride was weird and silent once again. I don't even know why. I just feel weird. If anything I need to be apologizing.

" Tyler I'm sorry for bitching.. " I blurted out. We stopped at a red light and he kissed me. I looked at him and smiled.

As soon was we got to his place i went to the bathroom to take the pregnancy test. The first one said...

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