Chapter 6 - Blondes vs Colored heads?

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Ike: (nudging Pit) I-I'm not dumb!

Shulk: Then, we'll settle this on the stage! I want Link, Cloud and Samus on the field with me.

Ike: (grumbles) Why Cloud?

Cloud: (looks very very serious) I will fight for the sake of all blondes.

Marth: Ah, so the blondes vs colored heads war has begun? (Smirks)

Roy: Marth-chan! (Holds tightly his arm) What is happening?

(Marth mutters "shut up")

Shulk: Hell yeah, baby! It has begun!

Announcer: So, the war has been declared! Who will jump on the battlefield first?

Ike: I will lead the colored heads! I want Palutena, Marth and Roy by my sides.

Shulk: My team didn't change. (crosses his arms, smiling)

Mario: Hello, Everyone! Today, I will present you-a the new stages that--

Marth: (uses side-A) No time for commercials!

Dr. Mario: Thanks-a, bro! (runs after Mario)

Dark Pit: (is playing cards with Pit) AH AH, get rekt, I won!

Pit: Aw shucks! That doesn't mean that you won Palutena, though! (Crosses his arms)

Ike: (thinking) I hate the fact that I am forcing myself to fight against Samus and that I let Palutena fight Cloud. But I technically have no choices. I can't let her on the bench with Pit around.

???: Your thinking is very strange, Radiant Hero...

Ike: Mewtwo?!

Mewtwo: I was just passing by.

Palutena: Well. Looks like I am forced to fight by your sides, Ike.

Ike: (rolling his eyes) Yeah, looks like it.

Mewtwo: So is yours, Miss Palutena. (Walks away) Humans are dumb.

Shulk: Okay, let's start...

(The Masterhand chooses a stage: the Temple)


Link: [Are you serious?!]

Ike: Well, yeah.

Masterhand: Are you questioning my choice?

Ike: O-Oh, nonononono...

Masterhand: That's what I thought.

Ike: Hey, wait a minute! How are you talking if you're only a han--

Announcer: 3....2....1..... GO!

Shulk: The f*ck?!

Link: (jumps on Ike, slashing him to the side)

Ike: (tries to come back on the stage but fails)

Announcer: Player 1 is eliminated from the game!


Masterhand: Yes, I chose a life battle. You only have one.

Samus: (Jumps towards Marth, but kills herself)

Marth: Pff, a beginner. (Runs towards Shulk and uses counter)

Shulk: (Uses counter as well)

Marth & Shulk: MAY THE COUNTER BATTLE BEGIN !! (Spams down-b)

Roy: (gets attacked by Cloud) Marthaaaa! Helppp!

Marth: Huh? (Slashes in Shulk's direction)

Shulk: (Uses counter again)

Marth: (faints) Useless... Bastard...

Roy: Dayum, I never thought that I would be responsible for Senpai's death--

Link: [Jajaja, can you fight alone?]

Roy: (charges b button attack and does it on link)

Link: Gnnnn... (Faints)

Roy: (dashes towards Shulk, spamming side-A attack)

Shulk: (Uses counter too early and faints)

Roy: I KILLED THEM ALONE! Mwaaahaaahaaa! (Kills himself without knowing it)

Palutena: Well well, looks like we are alone, eh?

Cloud: Looks like it.

Palutena: Ready to fight?

Cloud: Of course I am.

Announcer: Looks like the battle is about to end! Who will win? Palutena, the colored head, or Cloud, the blonde? That's what we will know in the Chapter 7 of Super Smash bros legends!

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