Chapter 1

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I scream and run. "No! Please!" I yell and they throw a dagger at my legs. I dodge it and take it out of the air. I put the dagger in my boot to hide it. They then take a throwing star and throw it at my head. It hits me and I fall to the ground.

I wake up. "Did I get knocked out?!" I ask myself in horror. I look around. "Where am I?" I ask. I stand up and fall back down with a throbbing headache. "Ow..." I look at my surroundings. I'm in a cave looking thing with bars.

I crawl over to the bars and pull on them. No luck. I check my boot. I still have the dagger. They must have not known it was there, or they left it there for a reason... "Chelsea." Someone calls my name. I back up and someone stands in front of the bars. "Are you ready?" A man says. He has long brown hair and blue eyes. He is dressed in a black expensive looking suit.

"For what?" I ask. I look at my clothes. They are all torn up. My black Avenged Sevenfold T-shirt is torn at the bottom. It reveals my stomach. My jeans have tears in the knees and the calves. My boots are the only thing that aren't torn.

"You're in a fighting rank. We shall give you weapons in the arena." The man says. "Who are you?" I ask him. He smiles. "My name is Ace." He says. I smile. "Well Ace, why am I here?" I ask him with a bit of venom. He takes a strand of my dirty blond hair and twirls it in his fingers. I rear back and he smirks. "I've been watching you my dear. You have a an exotic power. We want to test you against other people with exotic powers like yours." He explains and walks towards the door.

He opens it and let's me out. "You will run through that gate when it opens. If you don't, you will blow up." He says and walks away. He pulls a lever that blocks him and me. Then he pushes a button that activates the bomb under me.

The gate suddenly opens and run out. I hear a bomb explode. I laugh. 'Sucker! That persons didn't run out...' I think. I run as fast as I can into the woods and take out my dagger from my boot. A girl runs into me. We fall on the ground. She backs off. "We never saw each other agreed?" She says. I nod and we run in separate ways.

There's a guy with a sword in his hand. I hide so I'm out of his way. He has hair like Ace's and he's dressed in an outfit like mine. "Hey!" He says. I look at him and he's staring directly at me. "Um, hi." I say and stand up. "Who are you?" He asks and walks closer. I stand my ground with my dagger ready. "My name is Chelsea. And you are?" I ask. He puts his sword away. "I'm Alex." He says and puts his hand out. I resist. "Don't worry I want to be allies. You seemed to be able to smuggle a dagger in, I think you'll help us win." He says and I finally shake his hand.

"Alright I know where the others are hiding. If we ambush-" I cut him off. "How many other?!" I ask with venom. "Besides us, 50." He says. My eyes widen. "Wow. Two against 50. We can win... I hope." I say in horror. He smiles and nods. "Alright we need to climb the trees. We can get around like that without get killed." He says. I nod and start up the trunk.

"Alright. Can you jump from branch to branch?" He asks me. "Of course." I say and jump from my branch to the next. "Can you swing on vines?" I ask as he lands next to me. "Yup." He says and grabs the vine in front of us to swing over to the farther tree. I follow him and get around the forest in the trees until we find the camp of the others.

"Ready?" I ask. He nods. "I'll jump in and when it looks like there's too many for me, jump in to help." I say. There's about ten of them. He nods and I take my hand and blasts a ring of fire around them. I jump down with my dagger.

I walk through my fire to the people with horror on their faces. I go for a blonde and take my dagger and slice her throat open. She falls as her eyes roll back into her head.

Then a big dude with a bow and arrow shoots an arrow at me. I grab it out of mid air and stab it into his chest. "Alex!" I scream and watch his jump out of the tree and over the fire. I smile and he takes out of his sword and attacks a brunette.

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