Chapter Twenty-Seven: The Scream

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Three dark cloaks hung still on the outside of the servants quarters. They were hooded with four buttons. Usually classified as gardener cloaks but tonight they would serve a different purpose.

Regina quickly snagged a coat before slipping into smaller halls. Her hoop skirt folded inward as she slid across the floors of the small servant quarters. Grunting, Regina pulled herself forwards until she yanked too hard and tumbled out into the rain.

The bottom of her light pink skirts immediately turned brown from the mud as she pulled the oversized cloak over her shoulders. Black tendrils of damp hair slid down neck and cheek as Regina fought to lift the hood over her head. But by the time she had managed to get her quivering fingers to the second button, the rain had made her body an icicle. Every inch of her was soaked and freezing as the wind whipped the rain into her face.

Regina searched desperately to find the dungeon door that usually stood by the edge of the forest. But in the dark, cold night Regina struggled to see the tip of her own nose. Fear coursed through her veins as her thoughts ran wild. What he they done with Robin? Was he alive and well? Had they hurt him?

The heel of her left shoe snapped as she stumbled over a root. Falling onto her knees, Regina held her hands forward to catch her fall. Mud splattered onto her face and dress as Regina turned to sit and slide both shoes off of her feet. Mud and grass oozed between Regina's toes as she stood back up again. Her face was tight with mud and water as she grasped a lower branch from the tree she was under.

A quick flash of lightening lit her pathway showing large tree trunks that signaled Regina was in the middle of the woods. Wind howled close to her ears as Regina fumbled for a steady rip as she made her way into the forest. Her toes curled as they became covered in dirt. Water completely soaked her entire body and it became hard to breathe. Regina gasped for air and choked on rainwater as she climbed a small hill. Hope quickly slipped from her grasp; her doubts seeming unfortunately true.

But then there was a light. A small flicker to Regina's left. About 100 yards away stood a small lantern, swinging furiously in the middle of the storm. Relief waved over her as Regina sank against the nearest tree trunk. She squinted her eyes in curiosity as to how the light was able to sustain in the terrible storm. Then she saw it.

A small stone door, complete with an overhang of protection for the light, stood in the middle of a small opening. The thick door was shut tight but was illuminated.

The slapping sound of rain pouring around her intensified while Regina took a small break, slouching from the heavy weight of her soaked dress. But the sound of a cry, a scream, made her bolt upright. The sound of a man in pain, followed by the crack of lightening. Regina's heart crashed against her chest in fear as her body lurched forwards, scrabbling to reach the stone door. The pained cry burst out once more before silence.

Thunder clapped around her, making the trees quiver. The door in front of Regina swung open as two men emerged. Regina pressed herself against yet another tree in a lame attempt to hide as she observed the events taking place before her. Both men were dressed in all black with a golden crest on their chest.

Leopold's crest.

The man to the right reached over and took the lantern and blew it out, making the whole world go black again. Regina struggled to see as the sound of footsteps sloshed closer. Holding her breath, Regina gripped the sides of her cloak and pulled it closer to her chest.

Once the men had passed, Regina scurried quickly in the direction of the door. She ran until she felt the slick stone under her feet. Luckily, the two men had left the door slightly open.

Regina gripped the side of the door and slowly pulled it open, using all of her body muscle to pull the door away from the frame. Standing still, Regina held her breath and listened for any movement. Any indication of any being that would catch her and turn her in.

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