Chapter Thirty-Three: Grieving

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The walls around her twisted and shrunk, Regina's eyes darkening as Graham continued to speak. "He's... He's fallen ill. Quite ill." He glanced at Regina, reaching for her hand. "We are surprised that he has made it this long, your majesty."

"What do you mean?" Regina asked slowly, her voice low and challenging. "He was fine the last time I saw him." Her dark chocolate eyes flicked to the sides, watching as her staff cowered in the corners. They had never seen her act like this. Never seen her so... Demanding. "How did he fall ill?"

Graham cleared his throat, looking straight at the young woman before him. She was no longer a girl. No longer the curious and innocent bubble of joy that ran around the courtyard. Regina had blossomed into a fearsome version of herself. Not her mother; who was demanding and old in her ways. Regina was fresh and had grown quite dark. She possessed a power of confidence that demanded attention.

"It's not natural." His voice barely went above a whisper, causing Regina to lean forwards. God, this close up Graham could see Cora's worst nightmare in her daughters new image. He looked around as well, knowing that most of the staff employed at this palace only knew the trading language. "Mater tua fecit malum." He murmured.

Your mother caused his illness.

Regina's nostrils flared, her jaw set and tense. The muscles in her back tightened as rage flooded Regina's body. "Ubi est?"

Where is she?

The calm in Regina's voice frightened Graham, something he never thought he'd have to admit. He had hoped that Regina would stay on a good path, but from what he was witnessing, he knew that wouldn't play out.

When he didn't answer, Regina tried again, more demanding this time. "Ubi est?!" She shouted, only mere inches from the colonels face.

"Est nuptiis cogitabis." Graham whispered, defeated.

She is planning your wedding.

Regina growled as she turned on her heel. A low growl rose from deep inside her, leading to an enraged shriek as she strutted down the hall. Regina's black heels clicked on the tile as she wound her way up the stairs until she found herself in the west wing.

"Mother!" Regina screamed, feeling a familiar anger as it started to rise. "Show yourself!" A sense of power slowly wound its way around Regina's body, strengthening her muscles and making her mind sharp.

"Regina." The word was like a sigh, leaving Cora's lips as she exhaled. "My dear, how've you-"

"How dare you." Regina growled, her eyes dilating as the vein on the right of her forehead popped. "How dare you."

"Darling I'm not sure if I know what you mean?" Cora asked innocently, looking over her daughter for the first time. "What on earth are you wearing?" She was drowning in arrogance as if she didn't know of the problems she had caused.

"You have held me in misery my whole life. You've tortured me ever since I could remember. You married me off to a man just so you can gain a little help during the rough times you've caused for our kingdom." Regina's face was red as she stood, arms crossed and legs apart. "You brought the man I loved back into this hellhole and you're almost killing him. He barely alive!" She screamed. "And now... Now you're killing my father? Your husband?" Regina shook with anger. "You've gotten away with so many things in this life but now a new queen has risen to the throne. One that is more powerful than you. I will destroy you, Cora. I swear, if you lay one more finger on either of the men you've harmed I'll-"

"You'll what?" Cora laughed, shaking her head.

"I'll kill you myself." Regina threatened.

"Darling, this is quite the show. You're tired and starved. Go back to your chambers and get some rest. You're delirious. How could I ever cause anything?"

"I know about the magic." Regina swallowed, watching as her mother's face twitched with fear. "I know about your time with Rumplestilskin. And I know you've feared that someday I, too, will inherit the powers you've been able to harness." The air between them was hot with emotion. Darkness swarmed Regina's mind as she spoke, nearing her mother. "If you know what's best for you, you'll make things right now."

Cora smiled, her lips tight and her eyes dark. "My sweet, naive little girl. You may threaten me, but I control this palace. You think you know things, Regina, but you don't. Right now, your father is dead weight. I need him off my shoulders. He's encouraging you and your silly ways and he certainly hasn't done anything for me. His death will be an improvement in my-" Regina reached out, watching as Cora suddenly struggled to breath. Her throat contracted as her eyes widened in shock. She sputtered before Regina lifted her hand, Cora's feet slowly lifting off the floor.

A strange sort of joy filled Regina's dark heart as she watched her mother suffer. "Fix him." Regina's voice was low and challenging, watching for a sign of surrender. But her mother lifted her eyes as she choked, her legs twitching. "Fix him!" Regina screamed, closing her fist and watching as her mother dropped to the floor. Cora gasped, the purple tint to her face slowly reversing.

"It's too late now." Cora croaked, her wrinkled hands reaching up to stroke her bruised neck. "What's done has been done." Tears pricked Regina's eyes as the news slowly hit her. No matter what she tried, her father would die.

"This isn't over." Purple smoke slowly surrounded Regina as she lifted her head, thinking of her father's chambers. She had to be strong. She had to-

Regina opened her dark eyes to see bright light. The windows on the opposite side of the room were open, letting a cool breeze into the room. For a moment, Regina was at peace. The apple orchards that she had played in as a child filled most of the east garden. A small pond lay in the middle of the orchards, a pond Henry and Regina had visited many a times when she was small. Regina smiled, her thoughts in a place of happiness.

"Regina?" A weak voice summoned the young girl back to reality, making her to turn towards the large bed. Henry laid under the blankets, only the top of his head out. He was pale and small, much thinner than what seemed to be  healthy.

"Daddy." Regina whispered, quickly making her way to the edge of the mattress. The tears that had threatened to swarm Regina now slowly leaked down her cheeks. "Daddy I... I love you." She cried, blinking rapidly.

"Don't cry." Henry managed. It seemed as if every word he said caused him pain. "I... I don't want you to remember me like this." He croaked, admitting the fact that he was dying. Regina clamped a hand around her mouth, trying her very best to keep from sobbing. "You need to remember me like the man I was. The man who played with his daughters out in the orchards." Henry took a shallow breath, groaning. "Don't give up." He mumbled. "Find him. Find your sister."

Regina sat in silence, watching as her father's chest slowly moved up and down. Tears streamed down her face as she watched in horror. The only person she'd ever loved, trusted and even looked up to now lay before her on his death bed. "Daddy... Don't leave me." She whispered, closing her eyes in frustration. "Please. I... I don't know what to do. I don't have anyone but you."


"Daddy?" Regina croaked, wiping the tears from her eyes. "Daddy? Daddy!" Regina shrieked, tears now streaming down her cheeks as she gripped her father's cold hand. "No." She sobbed, her knees weakening. "No, please." A strong hand gripped her shoulder, pulling her back as staff slowly entered the room, moving to her father's bed. "Get off! Go away!" Regina screamed, struggling to get away. But then she felt a chest. Strong arms wrapped around her as Graham held Regina, allowing her to weep.


Zelena woke to screams that night, immediately rolling over to calm Roland down. "Shhh." She whispered, stroking his hair. "It's alright." Roland stared wildly up at her, whimpering into the night. "Shh calm down."

"I want my daddy." Roland cried, sucking his thumb. Zelena pulled him close, rubbing his back.

"I know you do." She whispered. "But I can't give you that."

After a while, Roland fell back asleep, clinging to Zelena's dress. But the older woman lay wide awake, unsure of what was keeping her up.

But then she heard it.

A faint scream, high pitched and broken. The wail of someone who had just lost something important. A woman's cry.

The hair on Zelena's arms stood as she slowly came to the realization that she had heard her sister from the palace above her head.

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