Chapter Fifty-Five: Farewell Bidding

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Regina burst through the doors, pushing herself onto the cooks garden that sat in the corner of the small courtyard within the castle wall. She braced herself against a nearby bench as sobs overtook Regina's body. Her chest caved in, her back hunched as she gasped for breath. Anger and fear mixed in Regina's head until the only thing she knew for sure was the unbearable pain of loosing Robin forever. It had almost happened once and Regina couldn't let it happen again.

Breathing in through her nose, Regina sank to knees as her hands raked through the soil. Hot tears streamed down her cheeks and soaked through her white robe but Regina didn't care. She sat alone making herself sick as she sobbed over the choices Robin had made until there wasn't a tear left to be shed.

Regina let herself slump against the leg of the bench, looking up as the sky turned orange from the rising sun. Her hands rubbed continuous circles over her abdomen in an effort to calm herself from the episode Regina had just experienced. To say the least, Regina was ashamed. She was ashamed of the way she had handled herself and she was ashamed of her position in the dirt as she sulked about the bravery her husband possessed. She should be proud and supportive. She had every right to be worried and conflicted about Robin's choice to lead this expedition but she had no right to act the way she was. Her behavior was childish, something she would've expected from Roland.

Regina stood from her spot on the ground, determined to spend every last second with Robin before he left. With a flick of her wrist, Regina watched as her soiled robe was replaced with purple smoke and a simple black gown.

A cry from a higher window drew Regina's attention upwards as she listened to the outburst of commotion. Roland cried out before muffled voices overpowered the young boy's voice. Regina looked around, picking up the front of her dress as she ran towards the open door that lead back to the stairwell and the nursery. Regina moved with power as she pushed past early morning cooks and maids, taking two steps at a time until she reached the third floor. Men dressed in uniform crowded around Roland's door as Roland continued to cry for his father.

A new wave of anger swelled in Regina's chest as she moved closer to the men. "Move." She instructed, the sound of her voice silencing everyone but the small boy. Soldiers stepped to the side, saluting as their queen moved into the nursery to take in the scene before her. Roland clung to Robin two soldiers worked to pry the small child off of him, another soldier working to pull Robin away. At the sight of Regina, all three men stopped their actions, standing at attention. Roland ran to his father and wrapped his arms around Robin's neck as he scooped his son into his arms. "Leave." Regina growled, waiting for one of the young men to contradict her order.

"With all due respect, your highness, we need to-"

"Ut mihi visus Deo recede a me aut ego te lanient."

Get out of my sight or so help me god I will tear you to shreds.

Regina watched in satisfaction as the three soldiers ran from the room, leaving her with her family in peace.

"Robin..." Regina whispered, moving closer to her husband.

"Don't." Robin shook his head, shifting the weight of Roland from one hip to another. "I should've spoken to you about it first instead of telling you like I did. I'm sorry."

Regina smiled, running her fingers along the base of his jaw as she spoke. "No. I shouldn't have acted the way I did. What you're doing is beyond brave and I'm so proud of the man you are. I know this time a part will be hard but I also know that we are strong enough to endure it together. I love you more than you will ever know, Robin Locksley. And while you're securing the safety of our people, I will be right here with our children, cheering you on. I believe in-"

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