Chapter Fourty-Five: Finding Peace

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Three long strides was all it took to close the distance between Robin and Regina. His strong arms, now covered with blisters and scars, wrapped tightly around the queen as she pulled herself against his chest. Relief and longing mixed in her belly as Robin's head pressed against the side of her own, his breath tickling the top of her ear.

"I missed you so much." Regina whispered, closing her eyes as hot tears threatened to spill over. Her arms hooked around his neck, her forehead on his shoulder.

"And I you." Pulling back, Robin let his arms fall to drape around her waist, looking down at the woman before him. Red puckered scars lined his face and neck before running down past his chest into the gauze that wrapped around his abdomen. Guilt washed away the elation Regina had felt as her cheeks felt the first of her tears. "Regina..."

Robin lowered his head, letting his lips brush gently against hers. Regina's body wavered like a tree in the wind as her mind went completely blank. She was aware of the cool tiles against her feet and the soaking wet mop atop her head. But soon her thoughts turned to the thin silk fabric of her robe that separated her body from his and the warmth radiating from his chest.

Hands cupping her cheeks, Robin moved from her lips to her jaw line. "God, I've missed you." He mumbled, pulling away completely to look down at her chocolate eyes. "Are you alright?"

Regina nodded, unable to speak. Her eyes flicked from his to the scars buried under the stubble that haunted his jaw. "Yes." She whispered, taking his hand in hers. Guilt built up in her chest, sitting like a heavy weight. Stomach going sour, Regina took a deep breath of realization.

Everything was her fault. The scars that claimed the man she loved, the part in his family, the death of her father. Everything that had happened was because of her.

The assurance that she was alright slipped from grasp, leaving Regina in a puddle of regret. "No." Her eyes burned with the possibility of more tears, something she didn't want Robin to see. Regina reached out and pulled Robin close to her. "I'm so sorry." She whispered, shaking her head. "I'm so so sorry. If I hadn't been so childish maybe you would've been saved all this trouble and pain. You could've-"

"Regina." Robin grasped the Queen's shoulders, holding her back at arms length. "I don't regret anything. I would've done it all again if it meant I could be with you."

Regina smiled up at the man before her, his bright blue eyes pulling her in. Her hands at the nape of his neck, Regina pulled Robin down into a loving kiss, stumbling backwards as the thief fell forwards. The purple robe that draped over Regina's body slipped from her shoulders as the tie loosened from the friction of two bodies. Three words danced on the tip of Regina's tongue but fear held them back. Fear of being rejected or-

"Regina?" Robins body went rigid at the sound of Zelenas voice. "We need to talk." The sound of her bedroom door closing and the echo of footsteps nearing pushed Regina away from the wall. "I-" And there she stood. Big green eyes widened even more with shock, her thin pink lips slightly parted.

"Zelena." Regina cautiously reached out a hand, beckoning Robin to move closer.

"He woke up." Her sisters voice was quiet now, timid. Her head tilted up, her eyes wandering over Robin- no doubt memorizing every detail.

"Yes." Regina glanced back to see Robin right behind her, jaw set and muscles tense. "Zelena, this is Robin. Robin, this is my sister Zelena."

Silence hung over the three like a heavy cloud. Nobody moved or made a sound. Regina could feel Robin's breath on the back of her neck and saw the tension that poured out of her sister.

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