Chapter 28 - It's About Us

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"We have with us, Diana Maine, winner of the X Factor 2010. Let's get right into this shall we?" The lady says towards the camera, she then turns in her chair to face me, asking the first question. "What was it like to audition for the X Factor, what influenced you to do it?"

"Well I guess it was five months ago, but my best friend kept trying to convince me to audition. And a month later I finally agreed. She was there with me during my audition, standing right backstage. She was going to be there wether it was bad news or good news." The screen lights up behind me and the woman playing the video of my audition with Riley waiting backstage for me to finish. It plays until I run off the stage and hug her and a picture shows up that she posted on Instagram of the both of us. I wipe away a few tears and a smile lands on my face.

"Your friend, Riley and her brother, Lucas died in a car crash not long after that correct?" The lady questions.

"Correct, that day was the worst day of my life. I had lost the two people who mean most to me." I explain. She doesn't stay on the subject too long and moves onto the next question.

"You were seen with Zayn Malik, a member of One Direction, quite a few times. You even went home with him to visit his family more than once. What is going on between you two?" Pictures appear of the many times Zayn and I were in his, well our, hometown.

"Zayn and I are friends, nothing more than that." I clarify, waiting for her to ask another question.

"We know this will be hard for you to talk about so if you can't we understand, but what can you tell us about your past?" She seems nervous when asking and I can understand why.

"It started when I was fourteen, my father managed to get a head injury that no one knew about and it affected the person he was. At first it was just little things like more yelling, more fights, more doors slamming. Then it increased to getting hit a few times a month which turned into a few times a week and then a few times a day. The hitting turned into getting burned by a fire poker on my back." I pause, wiping away my tears and taking a breath. "And then it turned into rape. I was fifteen the first time it happened and when I turned seventeen I left. I stayed out drinking and worked in a bar and that's when I met Riley and Lucas, since they died I have turned to alcohol once but I know how easy it is to fall back into that down spiral. It may look fun but I've had depression, I've had a bad mind set, and I've caused myself harm. It's so hard to come out of that routine and it's so easy to fall back into it. Even when I'm at party's I see how much fun people are having and I think you know maybe I'll be okay this time but it's impossible to know."

"I'm so sorry." She says, she's very genuine with it too. "Let's move on to a different topic, how's your love life going?"

"There was this guy who I gave everything I had. I fell in love and it turned out to bite me in the arse. I definitely won't be dating anytime soon. People who have never given everything to someone think it's easy to pick up the pieces of yourself and move on but it's not." I respond and cross my right leg over my left.

"Can you tell us what happened with the last relationship?" The lady asks gently.

"I met this guy and I gave him everything that I had left. The one day he's telling me he's falling in love with me, the next he's saying he doesn't love me. I was a complete wreck on the inside but I couldn't show it because I was still with him the next day. I couldn't let him know I was hurt and so I didn't. The day carried on and I left and so did he. Yet I'm still here destroyed about what he said and everything that happened between the both of us." I give her an explanation.

"Were you ever romantically involved with Zayn at any time?" The lady brings him up again.

"No, there was a rule that contestants aren't allowed to date and I didn't want to risk my shot at this." I lie through my teeth.

Diana. (Book 1)A One Direction fan fiction.Where stories live. Discover now