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Warning: Know that if you send in anything to SM, it becomes their property.can try to email SM and ask them to remove the video, but SM rarely if ever complies. Please QUADRUPLE check your video before submitting it.

E-mail Audition
Open: Year round

1. E-mail address: 

For non-USA and non-Korean residents: If you are e-mailing from a country other than the USA or Korea, please use

2. Subject: Name/Age/Gender/Category you are auditioning for (EX: Angela/16/Female/Singer)

3. Attach a video containing a sample of you dancing. Like the audition, make sure the file is in .wmv, .mp3, .wav or .avi form. Even if you aren't auditioning as a dancer, still include a dance clip! Their website states that mp4 and cda formats cannot be evaluated.

4. Attach an mp3 (or video) of you singing. Don't edit it. 

5. Attach 2 photos. They ask for a front shot of your face and a profile shot. Make sure the photos are in JPG or GIF format. They also ask that you DO NOT photoshop, edit, touch up, or in anyway shape or form mess with the photos! They are also asking for quality shots as in no camera photos or scanned photos! (Scanned photos makes it near impossible for them to know if editing was done so they don't allow scanned photos). Their website also explicitly states that they will not evaluate photos in which your hands and clothes obscure your face.

6. The body: Wow. It took forever for me to find this...but it's buried in a Q&A section at There no longer is an application form:

1. Name/Sex

2. Area of Application

3. Date of Birth

4. School

5. Place of Residence

6. Contact Information (1) Cellular Phone (2) E-mail7. Experience [1]

7.Fill these out. DO NOT include any extra information. I know some of you will be worried about the "Experience" section, but don't sweat it, especially if you're young. I suggest putting down anything school talent show and larger down.

If you haven't taken any lesson, don't mention it! The judges assume you have had no lessons or training unless you mention a school or time when you did receive it.Area of Application - It means, "What Are You Auditioning For?". In other words, singer, dancer, VJ, actor, model, etc.


If your files won't all fit, DO NOT send multiple e-mails. Trim the length of your singing and/or dancing clip. In all honestly they probably won't watch more than 30 seconds anyway. Also, double check that you can play the files without any problems. If there are any glitches or errors, they will disregard your e-mail.Another suggestion is to send the e-mail on weekdays. The weekends are probably a very busy time.

If you do not receive a reply with 2-4 weeks, assume that you did not qualify. SM's official website and their official Facebook page state that "E-mail audition results will be notified individually to only those who were qualified."

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