10 Reasons I'd Make a Great Idol...and 10 Reasons Why I Wouldn't...

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10 Reasons I'd Make a Great Idol

I have tough skin. I was the kid that ate alone in middle school. I know what mean comments are and I could care less.

My world doesn't revolve around boys. I like guys as much as the next girl, but not having a boyfriend doesn't bother me.

I'm a night owl and an early bird. Late nights don't bother me but neither do early mornings. Get up at 2 AM? Fine. Stay up til 4 AM? Fine.

I like meeting new people. New people are fun and exciting! I love meeting them!

I love traveling. I love plane rides and I love bus/car rides so traveling to my various schedules wouldn't phase me.

I don't mind how the industry works. K-pop bothers feminists and people who think the artists are slaves. I don't mind being cute or sexy and I don't mind the long contracts and their cold, calculating ways. It makes sense, so I'd roll with it.

I have talents other than singing and dancing. I can do theater make-up, I've done Taekwondo, I love learning languages (French, German, Japanese, Chinese, Korean), I play a variety of instruments (piano, percussion, and cello), and am fairly good at drawing.

I don't mind hard work.

I'm okay with an irregular feeling schedule. I can deal with eating a lot or surviving on just a couple coffees and a sandwich.

I don't need close friendships to function. I have a twin so I've already got a built-in best friend. In an industry where schedules make most friendships very superficial, I'm not going to wither and die without a close BFF.

10 Reasons I Would NOT Make a Great Idol

I'm an introvert who can only handle so much "people time." Any more than the allotted time and I turn into the Incredible Hulk. With the constant contact with regular fans and sasaeng fans, I think I'd end up sound like this.

I like my privacy and my personal space! The sasaengs breaking into my house and the fans crowding to see me would drive me nuts after awhile. Have you seen the video of poor Baekhyun and Luhan at the airport?

My attitude! While I am extremely polite by American standards, I am rude by Korean standards! Like most people, I enjoy the feeling of being right when someone else is wrong. In Korea, if that person happens to be a senior, you quash those feelings.

I have my fat days and my breakout days and belly fat.

I hate diets. I am blessed with a spectacular metabolism and huge sweet tooth and junk food tooth. Mountain Dew, kettle chips, popcorn, pizza, and cookies would be my manager's nightmare.

I sleep...a lot. While I don't sleep as much as the average person, I still have a hard time functioning on less then five hours of deep sleep or 8 hours of light sleep. I love my bed.

Konglish! While I'm no Queen of Grammar or Spelling, it still bothers me when the simple rules get broken. I would have a hard time not laughing if I was the one who had to say "roll like a buffalo..."

I would miss my family. As much as my sister wants to get the heck out of Dodge and as far away from me as possible, when I went to Korea for two weeks without her we barely went a day without some form of communication. I racked up quite the bill for international calls...

The same 11 interview questions over and over would irritate me. Being asked my ideal type, my favorite food, who's the messiest, etc. over and over would make my soul die a little bit every time. Can't you change it up a bit?

I would miss being able to be anonymous. Even on vacation in another country idols get recognized. Most of my middle school and high school career was graced with the fact I knew pretty much knew everything because no one seemed to notice me. They just stood in front of me and talked. I also have a horrendous fashion sense and enjoy sweatpants and sweatshirts. I would miss running errands in my pajamas.

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