A Hero Rises

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The older Jaden Yuki throws on his slifer red jacket in the middle of his granite kitchen. "Hmm. Stills fits." He says. He attaches his red-striped duel disk and he loads up his deck. Alexis came into the white painted kitchen with a blue robe around her.

"You sure you can do this?" Alexis asks.

"Yes Lex, they are our kids. I gotta do whatever I can for them. It's my job. I know Jenny has your deck so you can't help but I still got mine." Jaden says.

"Well the best parts of it right?" Alexis giggles.

"Ill be jetting it to Duel Academy and make sure this is over for good, then Ill make it home. Promise." Jaden smiles.

"Good luck." Alexis leans in to kiss Jaden goodbye.

Jaden left home in Domino City and left for the docks. He arrived there on his bike. He hops off and he grabs his red backpack from the extra bike seat. Jaden turned behind him to see Zane (Truesdale) in a black cloak, armed with his duel disk.

"Zane." Jaden says.

"It's been awhile Jaden." Zane says.

"Yeah, what do you need Zane?" Jaden asks.

"You're on your way to Duel Academy, for your girls correct?" Zane asks.


"Jaden, prove to me you can still duel, cause If you can't save yourself in a duel you cant save them." Zane says.

"Then let's do this." Jaden says.


Zane: (4000 LP)

Jaden: (4000 LP)

Zane: Here I come Jaden! (Draw) I summon Cyber Pheonix! (Atk: 1200) I end with three facedowns.

Jaden: (Draw) I summon Neo-Spacian Air Hummingbird! (Atk: 800) I end with these two facedowns.

Zane: Come now Jaden, you can do better. (Draw) Maybe you don't have your strength like you had years ago.

Jaden: I got plenty of fight left Zane! A duelist never forgets his/her passion!

Zane: We'll see. I sacrifice Cyber Pheonix for Cyber Dragon! (Atk: 2100)

Jaden: Here we go.

Zane: Attack!

Jaden: Aagh! (2700 LP)

Zane: I end.

Jaden: (Draw) I summon Elemental Hero Woodsman! (Atk: 1000) And now Woodsman adds Polymerization to my hand! Now I activate it, fusing Woodsman with Ocean in my hand! I summon Elemental Hero Terra Firma!

Zane: There we go.

Jaden: Alright!

Zane: Cmon Jaden, attack.

Jaden: But first I gotta play this spell, Rainbow Veil. It equips to Terra Firma, negating all spells and traps directed to him!

Zane: No!

Jaden: Go Terra Firma!

Zane: (3600 LP) gh.

Jaden: I'm not done yet Zane! I activate De-Fusion! I split Terra Firma into Ocean and Woodsman! (Atk: 1500, Atk: 1000) And now attack!

Zane: Aaagh! (1100 LP)

Jaden: Next up is Re-Fusion and It resummons Terra Firma by sending Ocean and Woodsman to the grave. Turn end.

Zane: Not too bad Jaden.

Jaden: I got a lot left Zane. I'm not even warmed up yet.

Zane: I activate Power Bond! I fuse two Cyber Dragons in my hand to summon Cyber-Twin Dragon! (Atk: 2800) And because of Power Bond, It's strength doubles. (Atk: 5600) Attack Terra Firma!

Jaden: I activate Hero Curse! It negates all damage delt to me this turn and protects my monster but my next turn I must give up 1000 LP.

Zane: I end.

Jaden: Agh! (1700 LP)

Zane: (thinks to himself) Cmon Jaden, win.

Jaden: Here we go! (Draw) I summon Elemental Hero Stratos! And I equip Terra Firma with H-Heated Heart! Gives him an extra 500 attack! (Atk: 3000) Next I play Monster Reborn!

Zane: What?!

Jaden: Ocean revived! Now Terra Firma absorbs Ocean and Stratos to gain even more strength! (Atk: 6300) Now attack Cyber Twin Dragon!

Zane: Agh.... (600 LP)

Jaden: You're not off the hook yet Zane. I activate Hero's Glow! This trap activates when an Elemental Hero deals direct damage. Now you take damage equal to Terra Firma's attack points!

Zane: (0 LP) Well Jaden, I guess you still got your dueling spirit.

Jaden: Its not like it went on vacation or something Zane. But I got family to see now Zane, bye.

Zane: Ill come with you Jaden. I don't have too long left anyway.

Aftermath - A Jaden x Alexis SequelWhere stories live. Discover now