A Duel for the Death

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Jenny: (3000 LP) (Def: 1900)

Elena: (3000 LP)

Silas: (6000 LP) I now activate the spell Legend Tribute. This allows me to sacrifice 1000 LP and my Assassin to summon a monster from my deck. (5000 LP)

Elena: This ain't good.

Silas: I summon Silas the Legend. (Atk: ?)

Jenny: It's invisible?

Silas: My monster lurks in the shadows, like me.

Elena: Who are you anyway!?

Silas: I am a legendary darkness formed years ago, boring story really.

Jenny: What's your goals?

Silas: The Sacred Beasts are my goal. But first I must harness enough duelist souls to unlock their prison and take them.

Elena: That's not going to happen!

Silas: But if you lose, You will be added to my cause.

Jaden comes running up to the top of the volcano. He stops to look at his daughters and then looks at the false image of the Chancellor.

"Jenny! Elena!" Jaden shouts.

Elena: Dad!

Jenny: Father.

Silas: Welcome Mr. Yuki. It's about time I got your attention to come here.

Jaden: What do you want, Silas!?

Silas: I wish to duel you, and destroy you.

Jaden: You better get in line, I got a long list of people that want to take me down.

Silas: What do you say?

Jaden: Let my children go, and I will duel you.

Elena: No!

Jenny: We can't exit this duel now dad. We've grown so much as duelists. We can do this together!

Silas: Join the duel. I can beat three of you easily.

Jaden: Well you better have your game on! (4000 LP)

Silas: Back to the duel. My monster Silas the Legend is quite the card.

Jaden: You summoned yourself. Classic bad guy move.

Silas: Well I am the ultimate darkness, I am greater than ANY foe you have faced before.

Jaden: Lets move on.

Silas: Silas the Legend gains 1000 points for every card in my hand. (Atk: 3000)

Elena: Wow.

Jenny: A power almost as equal to Slifer the Legendary card.

Silas: Not even close in comparison, I am better, but youll find out soon enough!

Elena: I'm up! (Draw) I summon Elemental Hero Clayman! (Def: 2000)

Jaden: (Draw) I activate the spell Ultra Hero! This allows me to sacrifice two cards in my hand and in return I can summon any monster from the deck that has "Elemental Hero" in its name.

Silas: I am delighted.

Jaden: I summon Elemental Hero Woodsman! (Atk: 1000) And Woodsman lets me add Polymerization to my hand. Next Ill activate it to fuse Woodsman with Ocean in my hand to summon ELEMENTAL HERO TERRA FIRMA! (Atk: 2500)

Elena: Dad, use Clayman!

Jaden: Thanks, I use Terra Firma's effect to tribute Clayman and Firma gains ATK equal to his power! (Atk: 3300) Now attack Silas the Legend!

Silas: (4700 LP) Sorry, but Silas the Legend cannot be destroyed in a result of battle.

Jaden: Gr. I set two facedowns. Turn End.

Jenny: Round two! Lets do this guys, as a family and we can beat Silas!

Jaden: Let's do it!

Elena: I got your back the whole way sis!

Silas: Heh..

Aftermath - A Jaden x Alexis SequelWhere stories live. Discover now