Welcome to Duel Academy

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Elena and Jenny stand in front of the giant Duel Academy hovering overhead of them. Jenny and Elena both had the jackets of a Slifer Red. They left they're jackets unbuttoned so it could wave in the whistling of the wind.

"Well this school is going to be interesting." Elena says.

"At least we're in the same dorm." Jenny smiles at Elena.

"I hope the people are nice." Jenny says.

"If not you let me know and Ill help you out, It's a big sister thing ya know." Elena laughs.

"K sis. Im going to the dorm to get our stuff unloaded and design our room." Jenny grabs their bags.

"K. Im going to look around and see what I can find out." Elena says. "Ill meet up with you later."

Elena and Jenny separate. Elena goes inside the entrance doors of the academy. She looks around and finds the infirmary (Medical Room), the card shop, the classrooms, the gym and then she stumbles across a large dueling stadium with rows upon rows all the way around with seats peering the field.

"Wow a real duel field." Elena says.

A male duelist with a blue blazer entered the duel room from the other entrance on the other side of the field.

"Yes it is a real duel field. Been here awhile actually." The older person's blue hair stuck up and his green eyes shined.

Elena met up with the older male on the duel field.

"Who are you?" Elena asks.

"I am Jesse Anderson. I am a teacher here now. I used to be a student here around 15 years ago." Jesse says. "Of course I have gotten a little older in that time but I love to duel."

"Are you the Jesse that was with Jaden Yuki?" Elena asks.

"How do you know Jaden?" Jesse asks.

"He is my father. My sister is also here with me." Elena says.

"Daughters? About time Jaden did something with Alexis. Haha. Well you look alot like you mother, your name is?" Jesse asks.

"Oh yeah, Its Elena. My sister is Jenny. We're both Slifer Reds. Our father told us it would be great to come here. That we would meet great people here. And if we made here that him and mom would stop by every so often to check up on us." Elena says.

"Well being a Slifer isn't bad. Your dad was a Slifer Red for three years but was the best duelist around." Jesse says.

"My dad gave me his Elemental Hero deck. He told me that I should grow an attachment with them like he did. He kept most of the cards from his deck he gave me only about half his deck, besides what I have he has some "Neos" cards or something and some Kuriboh and a few cool fusion monsters like Gaia and Terra Firma." Elena says.

"Yep those were your dads favorite. I understand why he wouldn't pass those on, because those cards were his soul." Jesse says.

"Well I guess then you're my uncle. Cause you and my dad are like brothers." Elena says.

"I suppose so." Jesse says.

"Well uncle Jesse, would you like to face me and Jenny in a duel on this field tonight. How about five?" Elena asks.

"Yeah sure. But I wont lose to you and your sister." Jesse smirks.

"Guess you'll have to put your cards where your mouth is." Elena laughs.

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