Chpt. 3 (Must you leave?)

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You enter the house. It was very pretty. You push your (h/c) hair out of your eyes and look at Toriel. "Here's your surprise!" She takes your hand and leads you to the door of a room. "Here's your very own room! I hope that you like it! You can go inside and look around if you wish to, my child." She smiled widely and ruffled your hair. She walked away, grinning to herself. You opened the door and walked inside, looking around. The closet was filled with striped shirts and a few other shirts and pairs of pants. You closed your door and decided to change into one of the outfits. Your old clothes were ragged and dull. You changed into a blue, short sleeved shirt, some black jeans, and black boots. You combed your (h/c) hair. You looked in the mirror and thought that it was pretty good of an outfit. You felt tired, so you fell asleep on your bed.

You were in a black room to where you couldn't see a single thing. You heard a devilish laugh and you who it was. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! YoU iDiOt! Why are you being so nice to Toriel?! You are one questionable human, if you can even call you one. Chara's going to find you once more! ShE's gOinG To kiLL AlL of YoUr FriENdS! You are probably never going to get smiley trashbag to forgive you!" Suddenly, a thorny vine was wrapped around your wrists and ankles. "ChAra iS cOMinG." As the vines were getting tighter and tighter, one of the 'friendliness pellets?' were shooting towards you. Right when it was about to hit you, you woke up.

You awoke, screaming. Toriel ran through the doorway to see you with cuts all over your wrists and ankles. You were crying because it hurt so much. Was that nightmare real? "My child, what happened? Let me get you some bandages."

(Time skip)

Your wounds stopped bleeding, thanks to Toriel. Who Flowey was talking about,Chara, sounded familiar. You just put your finger on it. Toriel then says,"(Y/N), do you want any butterscotch pie?" "Yes, please." She took your hand and brought you to the kitchen. You two ate butterscotch pice in the middle of the night, while she told you snail facts. You soon went bed again. You slept through the night peacefully. You woke up the next morning. You some butterscotch pie as breakfast. You kept asking Goat Mom how to exit the Ruins, because she wouldn't give you a clear answer. She stood up all of the sudden and walked downstairs. You had not walked or explored the downstairs, so you became curious to what she was doing. You followed her down there. "I'm not letting you leave." She had a serious face on. You kept following. "Go upstairs, my child." You followed her. " FIGHT or turn back!" She came a huge door. She turned to you and suddenly you were in a battle. You somehow expected this.



You try talking to her, but couldn't think of anything to say. She hits a few times.



You kept sparing her until you had one ounce of hope (hp) left that you would win. She soon started aiming her attacks away from you. Soon, she gave in. "Child, go through the door. But, please do not come back, it will be too painful." You nodded and hugged her tightly. She hugged you too. Your hope was fully restored. You waved and opened the door. You walked out and into the cold.

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