Chpt. 30 (It Changes People)

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"Wait," Sans called after you. You hesitated on walking farther. "Please just listen to what I have to say? (Y/N)." You sighed. You had your back turned to him. "Sans.... Why should I? Why should I even bother to look at you?" Your hair fell over your eyes more than before. "How much can I tell you that I'm sorry?" "Until this is all over," you said. You saw him from the corner of your eye. "What's that supposed to mean?" You didn't answer. "Baby, what do you mean?" He put his hand on your shoulder. You pushed it off. "Don't call me that, iDioT!" You realized something. You were slowly becoming more and more like Chara. Speaking of Chara, where was she? You hadn't seen her since the FIGHT with Undyne. You looked around for her and then at your hands. You stepped back and tripped on something. You fell to the ground with your head in your hands. You didn't want be a monster like her. You never did. You looked for what you tripped on. It was a knife. You picked it up. You looked up at Sans. His eyes were wide. You threw the knife to the side and picked yourself up. "Gh." You walked away from him. "Just leave me alone Sans. That's all I have to ask." You began walking again when you remembered the knife. You didn't want a little kid to find that. But maybe you did a little bit? No. No! I would never want that to happen! What am I turning into? Anyways, you made the knife disintegrate and appear in your hand. You stuck it in your pocket. You looked behind you. Sans wasn't there. "Must've teleported," you said to yourself. You needed a good nap after that. You eyed the place that you were for anywhere to sleep. You shrugged and went to a wall. You took your jacket off and used it as a pillow. You kept your hands in the pockets to keep your hands warm even if one of them had a knife in it. You gripped the knife firmly and slowly drifted to sleep.

I Didn't Mean To (Sans and Reader)Where stories live. Discover now