Chpt. 11 (Water Falls Today)

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You walked away from Sans's door. You were so excited to go to Waterfall! You skipped down the stairs. You were not really sure what to do now. You were bored. You sat on the worn couch and turned on the TV. You saw a metal robot appear on screen standing up somewhere that looked hot. "Ladies and gentlebeauties! I'm Mettaton here for a very special announcement! I will be proudly presenting my new body today! (Alphys hurry! Hit the switch! The audience is waiting!)" "(O-okay)." Suddenly, you hear the switch be flipped and Mettaton flies into the air. Then all that you can see is a cloud of smoke. "Ooooh, Yes!" Mettaton shows up in the smoke and says,"Well, here is my new body! That's all we have time for on MTT News! I hope that you enjoyed! Toodles!" You turned the TV off. You hear Sans's door open. He walks down the stairs and says,"You wanna go to Waterfall now?" You jumped up excitedly. This was a 'yes' to Sans. He chuckled while stepping in front of you. You tried to grab your jacket, but before you could Sans said,"Don't worry. Where we are going you're not going to need a jacket. Anyways, I've got a shortcut." He grabs your hand. You take on step forward and is instantly there. You looked around, taking in your surroundings. It was more beautiful than you had imagined! There were blue flowers everywhere and glowing mushrooms on the ground. There were sparkling things on the ceiling. They were even prettier than the real stars. You looked at Sans while beaming with happiness. He walked over to one of the flowers. "These flowers repeat everything that you say. They are called Echo Flowers." Sans crouched down and whispered something into it. It says in a horrible Sans impression,"I'm laven der smile!" You giggled and whispered something into the same flower. It repeated you, saying,"That's ranunculus!" He laughed. He murmured something to the flower. The flower said,"Follow me, I want to show you something." Sans gestured you to follow him while he was backwards walking away. You go after him. He covers your eyes with his boney hands. You walk a little ways before he took off his hands. You gasped. It was the most beautiful view you've ever seen. "Sans, I... I don't know what to say..." He grinned. "I know you don't, so that's why I'm going to do this." He quickly kissed you on your lips. You were surprised at first. Then, melted into the kiss "You are the most beautiful thing here." You broke away from the kiss and smiled brightly. "This might not make since now, but I will be here for you through every last RESET." You knew that sentence sounded familiar. You just couldn't put your finger on it. "What's that supposed to mean?" "Nothing. N-nothing at all." He looked down. "Hey, it's alright. I'll be here for you, too." He looked up with tears in his eyes. You pulled him close. "You d-don't know how m-much that means t-to me." He quietly sobbed on your shoulder while you looked at the view. This is now your favorite place in the whole underground and nothing was going to change that. "(Y/N)?" "What?" "I love you." This took you by surprise. You were unsure what to say. You mentally face palmed. "I love you, too." You just kept looking off to the castle in the distance. He broke away from the hug and sniffled. "We should get going.*Sniffle* Paps might get worried." You nodded. "Sans, can we not take a shortcut this time? I want to see everything that this place has to offer." "Sure." You two just walked, looking at everything. You were crossing a bridge when you felt someone push you to the edge. You fell down, your left arm and head off of the bridge? You looked up. It was Chara in her spirit form. Ugh, WHY?! WHY DOES SHE HAVE TO RUIN EVERYTHING?! Sans looked to you and quickly ran to help. Chara kicked your sides, making your right arm fall off the bridge with the other arm. You tried to get back up, but you just couldn't. Chara laughed and disappeared so that you couldn't see her. You started slipping. There was nothing for your foot to hang onto. Your whole body soon was off of the bridge, but somehow you managed to grab the edge with your hand. "Sans help me!" He crouched down to grab your hand. Your hand was sweaty. Your hand slipped off, but Sans caught it before you could fall into the abyss below. He tried to pull you up. He couldn't. He was trying his best, but he didn't have much MUSCLE! This is not the time for puns. You didn't want him to fall too, so you let go of his hand and fell. The world kept getting darker and darker. You laughed at the pun that you made in your head until you passed out.

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