Chpt. 14 (Girlfriend~)

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The two of you were at Undyne's place and saw a note on the door.

If you're looking for Undyne and Papyrus, we're at Alphys's house lab place thingymabobber !

"Sans, who is Alphys?" "Looks like I'm gonna have to introduce you to one of my friends. Come on, follow me. We can take another shortcut." You held his hand and was soon teleported to a huge laboratory. Sans knocked on the metal door. "Alph? You there?" The door opened to a short, yellow lizard in a lab coat. "O-oh! Hi, Sans! (W-who is that behind you?)" "She's my um... girlfriend." You elbowed Sans and said,"I am NOT his girlfriend and my name is (Y/N). Nice to meet you." Sans shrugged and said,"You sleep in the same house and in the same bed as I do." "Yeah, but that doesn't make me your girlfriend." "We kissed and we hugged and you cried when you couldn't find me," he said in an annoying tone. "Ugh. I fucking give up." "Woah, (Y/N)! I didn't fucking know that you could use such goddamn foul language!" You rolled your eyes. Alphys's eyes sparkled. "(Omg this is the cutest couple I've ever seen! I ship it!)" "What did you say, Alphys?" Sans got in your face. He was so close that you could feel his breathe on your cheeks. "See, Alphys agrees, and she's the royal scientist!" You pushed his face out of yours. "Yeah, a royal scientist that watches anime and reads comic books and manga! We may have been boyfriend and girlfriend in another timeline, but not this time." "Are you sure~?" "You know what?! If it'll get you to shut up, I'll be your girlfriend! Ya happy?" You facepalmed. "Did I just-?" Sans lifted himself into the air with his magic and floated by your ear while saying,"Yes, yes you did." He lifted himself higher into the air. You reached for him. "Sans the skeleton, come down here so I can punch you!" He sat crisscross applesauce in the air. "Nope, girlfriend!" You sighed and tried to calm your nerves. "Whatever, numbskull." You walked into the laboratory. You saw Undyne watching Mew Mew Kissy Cutie and Papyrus was making some popcorn. Papyrus looked over to you. "Human! Would you like to binge watch anime with us? I made some popcorn!" You immediately thought of a pun. "Do you mean you made some PAPcorn?" You heard Sans snort in the background. "Oh. My. God. I REGRET INVITING YOU TO WATCH ANIME WITH US!" "With all that screaming, I'd say that you seem pretty ANIMEted!" Papyrus screamed in his hands as you died out laughing. "Okay, I'm finished. Man, those puns were HUMERUS! Now, I'm actually done." He sighed and put butter on the popcorn. You walked over to Undyne and started having a conversation about anime with her. "What is your favorite anime, (Y/N)? Uh, (Y/N)?" But you were too caught up with your thoughts. Sans has been talking to Alphys a lot since you got here. You wondered what would be important enough to spend that long talking about. Alphys then nodded to what Sans was saying and yelled,"G-Guys, let's watch some anime! Woohoo!" Sans and Alphys began walking over to us. You checked the time. It was 10:38 pm. You got on the couch as well as everyone else. You snuggled up against Sans. He looked at you and said,"Love you." You smirked. "Shut up................

(Love you, too)."

Spending time with your friends fills you with DETERMINATION! You drifted off to sleep.

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