Chpt. 4 (Skeletons of Snow)

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You looked back to the door to the Ruins, then looked back. You trudged through the snow. You were shivering a lot. You wished that you wore a long sleeved shirt. Brrrrr... super cold. You were freezing. As you were walking, you heard something behind you. "Who's there? BrRrrRrrrrrrRrr." You kept walking, but felt more scared. You got to this gate thingy," What the heck?" You took a step closer. "Human. Don't you know how to greet a new pal? Turn around and shake my hand." You slowly turned around and shook the monster's hand. You then heard a very loud farting noise. You both laughed for a whole minute before stopping. "The old whoopee cushion in the hand trick. It's always funny. Anyways, the name's Sans. Sans the Skeleton. Your's?" His face looked like he already knew your answer. "My name's (Y/N)." He started talking,"So, you're a human. That's hilarious. I'm supposed to be on watch for humans right now, but y'know, I'm not really into capturing anybody. On the other hand, my bro, Papyrus, is a human hunting FANATIC. Hey, look that's him over there. Hurry, go through the gates, yeah go right through. Papyrus made the bars to wide to stop anybody." You two walk through the gate and end up in a clearing. " Hurry, behind that conveniently-shaped lamp." You quickly hide behind the conveniently-shaped lamp. You hear Sans and.... Papyrus? Telling tons of puns, a skele-ton of skele-puns. You almost gave away your hiding place, because you laughed so much. You don't think that you've ever laughed this hard your whole life. When Papyrus left you burst out laughing. You got up, wiping tears from laughing too much. "Well, someone enjoyed my skele-puns." You snort and blush. Wait, why are you blushing? Eh, it doesn't matter. "Geez, kid. You're gonna hurt yourself!" You recover from your laughing fit. You start to walk to where you last saw Papyrus, but someone spoke to you in the middle of your walking. "Hey, (Y/N). Can you keep pretending to be human, it'd really make Paps's day if you did that." You turn around,"But, Sans I am hu-" He was already gone. "man." You started walking once more.

(Time skip)

Solved all of Papyrus's puzzles and spared several different monsters. You were walking with Sans and you had finally got to Snowdin. It was nice, but you were still shivering uncontrollably. Sans noticed this and gave you his jacket. He was hesitant at first, but ended up handing you his jacket. You looked at him and smiled." Thank you, Sans." "Your welcome, kid." His jacket was warm and heated you up right away. You walked through Snowdin with Sans. Eventually, Sans stopped walking with you and went inside what you assume is his and Papyrus's house. As you walked, it started to get windier and windier. Sans's jacket almost was blown off of you! "Nyeh heh heh! Human, you must be so happy to find another pasta lover and puzzle enthusiast! I, the Great Papyrus, will be your-. Wait, no! I cannot be your friend! I must turn you in to Undyne so I can join the Royal Guard! Now, we must fight, human!" You were pulled into a battle.



You checked him, then spared him. You didn't want to hurt Papyrus's feelings, so you chose flirt. "Human, I... never knew that you felt this way about me. I guess this means that we must go on a date! Meet me at my house tomorrow unless you have something else to do! Here's my phone number if you need to text me that you can't!"  He ran off as you immediately texted  him that you couldn't. You looked up from your phone and saw a familiar face staring at you from behind a tree. When he saw you look his way, he hid his face behind the tree. You giggled. You walked over to him. You snuck up behind him as he was looking for you. "Hey, watch'a doing?" He turned around and jumped. "Woah, (Y/N). Don't scare me like that." "Why were you watching me and Papyrus? I thought you went to your house?" He had a scared and nervous expression on his face. "Oh, uh... just, uh, looking at this tree here. Wow, so interesting!" You raised your eyebrows and said," Okay, I don't believe you AT ALL, but I'm just gonna leave you be." You walked away and shook your head. You stopped and looked at the skelebros' house. You took off Sans's jacket and placed it on a chair that was on their porch. You left a note that said:

Sans, thanks for letting me borrow your jacket! You're a lifesaver! I'm serious! I would have frozen to death! Anyways, you're awesome!


You thought that that was good enough. You were cold again, but figured that Sans would've hunted you down if you didn't give it to him, soon. You laughed at your note. You walked off into the dark.

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