Sit Still (Rogura Week: Day 2: Hair)

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(This will not be a lemon. Lots of fluffy times and kisses. Also, I'm sorry if this is a bit short. It's late, but I wanted to do this. I WILL do every prompt! I love Rogura!)

"Rogue, sit still. I'll mess up your ponytail."

Rogue sat on a stool while his girlfriend, Kagura, sat behind him on his bed, fixing up his hair.

He had been working out earlier, and his hair got all messed up. When Kagura got an eyeful of his frizzy hair, she insisted on sitting him down and fixing it herself.

"I know, I know. It's just hard to sit still for so long." the shadow dragonslayer grumbled. He wasn't used to having someone else doing his hair. He usually fixes it himself in the mirror, but he let his girlfriend do it this time, to let her have some fun.

"Well, get used to it. I might have to fix your hair every day someday in the future." Kagura complained, tying up his ponytail.

Rogue smirked, careful not to turn around. "What are you implying, Kaggy?"

The girl blushed at his pet name for her. "D-Don't call me that..."

Her boyfriend giggled. "Why not?"

Kagura was silent for a moment, thinking of what to say. She started combing his little ponytail tuft. "Cause... I don't have a pet name for you..."

Rogue let out a slightly bigger laugh than a chuckle. "Is that really your excuse?" He didn't have to see behind him to tell that she was slowly nodding her head. "Well, maybe you'll come up with one soon. Maybe today, maybe tomorrow, maybe next week. I'm sure you'll think of something."

Kagura smiled at Rogue's words. "Okay, I'm almost done." She brushed a bit more, untangling some parts, and finally finished up with his hair. "There! All finished!"

Rogue smirked. "Good."

In one swift motion, Rogue spun around and pounced onto Kagura, pinning her to his bed by her wrists. He stared into her eyes, taking in the full beauty of her face.

"R-Rogue..." She stuttered nervously.

"I think you deserve a little reward for doing my hair for me, and I think I deserve a little something for being able to sit still for so long." He whispered in her ear, sending shivers down her spine.

He closed his eyes as he brought his lips to hers, kissing her passionately. Kagura, nearly instinctively, closed her eyes, kissing back. Rogue let go of her wrists and wrapped around her waist, then she wrapped her arms around her neck.

Rogue took on the offensive, licking her bottom lip. Kagura shivered, then allowed him entry, turning their passionate kiss into a rough make out. In her mind, she was nervous, but also very happy at the same time. And though he wasn't showing it, Rogue was feeling the same. His mind was full of happiness and joy, but he also felt nervous. He didn't want to force Kagura to do anything she didn't want to do, or anything she wasn't comfortable with.

After a few minutes, the two broke the kiss, gasping for air. Rogue smiled as he tucked a strand of hair dangling in front of Kagura's face behind her ear. "I love your hair." He told her. "It's so beautiful."

Kagura smiled. "I like yours, too. It suits you, well."

Rogue chuckled. "Well, look at you. Admiring your own handiwork. You're just saying that because you did it."

The girl laughed and kissed his cheek. "No, I'm not. Your hair is really nice."

Rogue leaned in and kissed her lips, gently. "Thank you, then." He looked at her hair, which was spread out like a blanket all around her face on his bed. He chuckled.

"I might have to do your hair after this."

Kagura smirked and kissed him again.

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