You've Changed Me

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After a few more days, we pack up and get ready to leave, stopping by Liz's to say goodbye, just like we said we would.
"Don't let this be the last time I see you guys for another few years" she grins.
"You'll see us again" Frank smiles back, pulling the truck out of her drive way.
He drives until sunset, then pulls the truck over our of no where.
"We're gonna do something before we get out of New York, alright?"
"Oh God Frank, what do you have planned??" I ask, rather concerned.
"I'll be good, I'll try really hard" he says, turning the car off and getting our ski masks.
"Are we hitting somewhere up??" My voice raises.
"You tell me" he drops a pistol onto my lap and mumbles, "turn the safety off" as he gets out of the car. He runs around the corner to a convenience store, where I run after him.
He bursts in the door, catching the two employees off guard, making them raise their hands, surrendering.
"Don't call the fucking cops! Don't do anything!" He holds his gun up.
He backs up against the door.
One employee runs for it, making Frank scream, "hey!" Then shooting the back shelf, sending the employee falling onto the floor in fear.
He shoots the one that was standing still, one loud bang and a splatter of blood in all directions before all his body weight falls on the ground. "Kill the other one!" He yells.
I run over to the counter, looking at the dead man and the other collapsed in fear, too shocked to do anything. "Kill him! Come on babe hurry!" He screams.
I slowly point my gun at the man, hands shaking from stress. "Kill him!!" Frank yells again.
"It'll feel good, just do it, kill him, it'll change everything" "you kill him!" I scream, looking back at Frank. "No! That's not the fucking point, you fucking kill him!" He moves his hands as he speaks. "If you love me you'll kill him, we're wasting time!"
Another man runs out of the back room, shooting at Frank, he falls on his knees, then sits straight up and shoots the man, killing him the same way he did the other. I look back to check on Frank but then look at the man again and shoot him before I realize what I even did.
He screams in pain, followed by a scream from me, then Frank runs behind me, helping me point the gun at his head, whispering, "do it, finish it" into my ear, then let's go just as I shoot again, killing him. "Yes!" Frank yells and claps twice before moving behind the counter to open the cash register and go in the back room for the safe.
"I..I killed him" I say out loud, coming to my senses.
"I was so concerned about you I..I didn't even think" I look at Frank. He swings a bag of cash over his shoulder and grabs the back of my disguised head, kissing me roughly, "now you know how I feel."

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