Ch.1: Nice to See You Again

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⭐️⭐️⭐️Hikaru's POV⭐️⭐️⭐️

Dream land~

I saw the (H/C) girl again but still couldn't see her face. "WHO ARE YOU AND WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR NAME?!" I shouted. A tear dropped from her eye as she turned around facing me. "(Y/n)" she said. "Find me! Go to Yosemite Park! Follow the moon." That was all she said before disappearing again from my sight. "HEY STOP WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" I shouted again again and a bright (F/C) light appeared in front of me again.


"(Y/N)!!!" I shouted as I sat up in bed. "Same dream again?" Kaoru asked. "Y-yeah," I said. "Kaoru?" I asked. "Yeah?" "We should go on vacation some time, like maybe go to Yosemite Park?" "That isn't a bad idea, okay, I'll ask the host club to come." Kaoru said.

Strange, we all are all grown up now and yet we still are friends. Haruhi is now a doctor, Honey is teaching at the dojo with Mori along with owning a large cake company and cafe, Tamaki and Kyoya are the head of their families companies now, and Kaoru and I are fashion designers and models.

Haruhi and Tamaki are boyfriend and girlfriend now, Mori and Honey just currently found someone they love, Kaoru has a girlfriend already, and I am a lone bachelor wolf as always.

After contacting everyone about the trip, they all said that they could make it. Lucky that Haruhi has finally got a passport now.

✨✨✨Time Skip✨✨✨

We decided to camp in Yosemite for the little trip and along the way we could try to find this '(Y/N)' that is always in my dreams. I told everyone about the dream and they all seemed to understand. We were setting up the tents and figuring out where which person goes in which tent.

'"How about this then. Haruhi and Haruhi's dad are in one tent. Kaoru, Ace, and Shade in the other tent. Mori and Honey in one tent. (Y/N) with Hikaru in the other one, and Conner and Megan in third tent. As for me, I'll stay with Tamaki in the last tent." Kyoya said.'

What the heck? What was that? Who is Conner, Megan, Shade, and Ace? "Hey Hikaru, are you alright?" Haruhi asked. "Yeah I'm all good." I responded.

~ Time Skip ~

It was night time and everyone else was fast asleep. I couldn't seem to fall asleep though, so I went out of my tent to take a walk. As I was walking around I saw a few crescent moon symbols carved into a few trees. Looks like they lead to somewhere. I followed the moons until I heard a rustling in the trees. I thought it was a squirrel or something until I heard the rustling again but a gasp after it.

I looked up at the tree and saw a human like figure in the tree. The figure got aware of me looking at it that it started to jump from one branch to another, and when I saw it come out of the tree it was a girl! I took a closer look. There was a crescent moon tattoo on her (B/P) ((Body Part)) and I gasped. I've seen that tattoo before! I ran and tried to follow the figure but then it climbed over and into a waterfall.

Ugh it's already so cold and I don't want to be soaked in water when I get back.

What if it's (Y/N)~

Why do I feel like I've been through this before?

(Y/N) might be there~

Shut up brain. 💢'

What is it with me and these weird flash backs now?

Well it is a moment of now or never so what the heck. I ran through the water fall and was surprised that I didn't hit a rock or anything. I'm a little soaked now, but who cares?

Once I got in I found a cave like tunnel and started following it down along the way. And then I heard some singing.

🎵 Put The Music On From Above🎵

"It's just me, myself and I."

"Solo ride until I die."

"Cause I got me for life!"

"I don't need a hand to hold."

"Even when the night is cold."

"I got that fire in my soul."

My eyes widened. I ran towards the singing, and when I got to the end I found a massive and huge tree house and outside was the girl sitting on a huge rock. She's the one I saw in the trees.

I took a step forward and then she stopped singing and jumped to the ground, she had a fighting stance pose. Oh no, is she going to fight me?

She was wearing a mask that looked like a mask that this girl named Nora from Noragami wore. The girl had a Native American dress on, no shoes, a silver moon necklace, (H/L) (H/C) hair, and (E/C) eyes. She also had a long sword in her hand so I'm pretty much screwed here.

"U-uh h-hi there!" I said nervously waving. She took a few steps closer.


(H/L) (H/C) hair


(E/C) eyes


Crescent moon tattoo


Silver moon necklace


I remember now

She started trying to attack me with her sword and luckily I was able to dodge her attacks. I fell with my back against the rock and her sword pointing towards me.

She then took her mask off "It's nice to see you again...." She said. ".....Hikaru."

"(Y/N)." I whispered...

YEY! (Y/N) is reunited with Hikaru once again! Isn't this great?! Sorry about the last chapter in the last book being so sad and depressing, I just wanted to find a way to make a high school romance/comedy anime into an exciting, fun, dramatic, romantic, action packed, sad, etc story like that so....PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!! Anyways, I hope that you forgive me. I hope that you liked this chapter! I don't own OHSHC, TSDS, or any other anime mentioned in this story. I do own this story, so yeah. Comment, vote, follow, and stuff like that and I will make the next chapter extra special!

The Light That Lead Me Out of the Darkness (Hikaru x Reader) Sequel!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin