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Yeah I'm really sorry about this but I still need help with this book pretty much. I have already planned out an ending and all but it would be very nice to have some requests. Also, remember the contest thing? I'm just going to let it continue until I get to the chapter where Hikaru actually proposes to (Y/n). It might be the seventeenth chapter or so depending on how much fluff I'm going to write for this.

For the songs, I do plan on using the ballad of Mona Lisa by p!atd since I've been getting lots of comments about that in the last book lolol. I also plan on using some Hamilton songs ((( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)))because why not?

Since I want this book to be a book where the reader can choose and be happy with their decisions in here, it would be very helpful if you could maybe help request some scenarios you would like to happen. For example, if I do get to the point where the wedding is about to take place, if some of you could email or dm me pictures of wedding dresses you really like or how you want things set up that would be greatly appreciated.

I was also wondering if any of you have like any ideas or requests for the ending. Cause like I really like reading a good fan fic and then at the end the ending is all tragic and all. Yeah, I'm sorry beagles but I'm more of a waffle. So yeah, if you think I should write more than one ending for the story then please comment.

!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!Don't worry though, the ending won't be a sad one this time.!!!!!!!SPOILER!!!!!

For (Y/n)'s personality in here, would you like her to be more immature, happy, childish, sassy, perverted, flirtatious, emotional, kind, mature, mean, creative, or any other personality traits I didn't mention? I usually like it when in some fan fictions the reader is sassy and badass but then when the reader is crazy it makes the whole thing so much fun to read.

Also, how about I update regularly but the chapters are really short? That way I might be able to give you all a new chapter about 3 or 4 times each week. How many words do you think should be in each chapter?  I know how it feels when there's this book I'm reading and I look really forward for it to update but it ends up having a lot of Author's notes. Do you guys think it's a good idea for me to call author's notes Author's message? I am basically supposed to write it as if it were a letter. Besides, aren't author notes just the author telling the reader what's going on, thanks, or how to improve or so? Tell me what you think.

Yeah, well I suppose that this was all I needed to say for now. Again, thank you so much for reading this book. I remember that I was so happy when only 9 people were reading these books when I started writing them. Now there's like about 20k reads for the first book? Wow, that's a lot. Again thank you and I'm sorry if you were expecting this to be another chapter. I hope I'll be able to work on this book more in the future. I am so sorry that this isn't an update. Well I'll see you in the next chapter.

The Light That Lead Me Out of the Darkness (Hikaru x Reader) Sequel!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin