CH 10: Back to Japan

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??? POV:




That's what reality is all about.

No one is there to help me.


Why is it so cold?

Why is everyone dead?

This is all my fault.




((Do you know who it is now?))

"SURPRISE MOTHA TRUCKAS TIME TO WAKE UP AND GIVE ME SOME FOOD TO EAT!!!" I shouted as I stood up on my bed. "Note to self: never ever cuddle with a mad man." I heard Conner mumble. "Hey! Is everyone dead? I'm going to eat all the pocky in the plane now!" I shouted.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?!" (Y/n) yelled. As she bursted out of the blankets she shared with Hikaru as Hikaru sat up with the blanket covering his head. "YA HEARD ME SON!" I yelled and turned into a little awesome yellow bird ((if you know who she turned into then you are immediately my new Best friend)) and started flying towards the kitchen. "Oh no you don't!" I heard (y/n) yell and she TURNED INTO A CAT?! HOLY TELETUBBIES HAVING TEA TIME WITH DORA THE EXPLORER SHE COMING AFTER ME!!


"Who thought it was a good idea to wake me up this early in the morning?" Honey and Kyoya grumpily said as they woke up in their beds. Hikaru, Tamaki, and Kaoru shot up from their beds and hugged each other in fear. "EEK KYOYA AND HONEY ARE ANGRY!!!" They shouted at the same time. "This isn't going to be good..." Conner said disappearing back in the blankets.

"What's all this noise about?" Haruhi asked sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Oh no." She said realizing the situation right away. "Mitskuni, please try to calm down and go back to sleep." Mori tried to reason with Honey. Honey just growled and didn't listen. "Here Honey, take my teddy bear and go back to-" Tamaki was cut off when Honey took his teddy bear and threw it out of the plane through the emergency exit.

"Bon voyage teddy" Hikaru and Kaoru said at the same time while waving and watching the falling teddy bear through the window. "MY TEDDY BEAR!!!" Tamaki screamed and then sulked in his new emo corner in the plane. "It's okay Tamaki, we can always go back and buy another one, again..." Haruhi said patting his back. "Mommy! Honey threw my teddy out the window!" Tamaki whined while shaking Kyoya back and forth.

"Hey boss, I don't think that's such a good idea." Kaoru and Hikaru said looking at Tamaki. A dark aura surrounded Kyoya. "MEEP!" Tamaki squeaked and hid behind Haruhi. "This is going to be the last time I'm going to deal with you waking me up early in the morning." Kyoya growled as he raised his hand. He was about to hit Haruhi but then a tiny arm around his other arm stopped him. "You aren't going to hurt auntie Haruhi and grandpa Tamaki are you?" Aiko asked with tears in her eyes. She even used the famous cutesy pout.

The Light That Lead Me Out of the Darkness (Hikaru x Reader) Sequel!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin