Ch.9: sing me to sleep

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Conner: Megan, you're probably scaring them again.

Megan: what? I was just trying to tell them not to play the media yet.

Kyoko: more like yell at them.

Author-chan: hey what's going on?

Megan: WHAT THE HECK?! Uh- what are you doing here author-chan?

Author-chan: I write this story remember?

Megan: oh uh heh heh.

Author-chan: *sigh* anyways I'd like to thank CandyAndi for commenting this song for this chapter. I honestly love this song now, thank you. Anyways, back to the story. Enjoy!

~~~~(Y/n)'s POV~~~

We've been flying for a while now. I started getting bored and made a pencil and sketchbook appear out of thin air. I then started sketching Hikaru.

As I was sketching, Aiko looked at my drawing and her eyes were filled with amazement

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

As I was sketching, Aiko looked at my drawing and her eyes were filled with amazement. "Wow mommy! This picture looks exactly like daddy! Will you teach me how to draw please." She asked. I smiled and patted her on the head, "Aiko, this is kind of hard for a girl at your shade so how about we try drawing something simpler?" I suggested.

"Okay!" She answered. She still wanted to draw Hikaru so I taught her how to draw him in a simpler way. After giving her all the steps of what to do to draw the base, she was confused about why we draw stickmen for guidelines and why we even use them. "I still don't understand." She said pouting.

I smiled at her. "Don't worry, you'll get better over time, it just takes up some practice. That's all." I told her. "Okay! I will practice more and more to be as good as you!" She said. I smiled, she's so cute!

I looked across from me and saw Hikaru looking at us. I smiled to him and he started to blush and look away. Is something wrong? I would read his mind if I wanted to but that would seem like I don't trust him. I got up from my seat and sat right next to him. Ace and Kaoru were hanging out by the food. "Hi Hikaru, something the matter?" I asked.

"Oh, uh, no I'm good. You seem like you would make an amazing mother." Hikaru complemented. I blushed, wait, why am I blushing? Just forget it. "Thanks, although I think you would make a great father." I complemented him.

He smiled. "Thank you, anyways, were you drawing me? I'd like to see your drawing if it's okay." Hikaru asked. "Um, sure of course you can. You can keep it if you'd like." I told him and handed him the picture.

"Wow, this is amazing." He complemented. "Why thank you Hikaru." I said to him. I then rested my head on his shoulder. He's so warm. Soon he put his arm around me. "Hey, what time is it?" Megan asked.

The Light That Lead Me Out of the Darkness (Hikaru x Reader) Sequel!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin