5: Chase

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Magret004 because her reactions to my story heavily amuse me <3 Thanks commenting and voting!

Chapter 5: Chase

     After laying down Sophia on the bed, Lucas pushed me out of my bedroom and towards the living room. He slumped down on the closest couch to him and ran a hand through his hair. "Mind explaining to me what happened?" 

Sitting down on the adjacent loveseat, I shrugged. "What is there to explain? I was mostly out of it while she was driving. When she turned onto Cherry, she stopped the car on the side of the road. When I opened my eyes, I just see her freaking out and the sight of the car accident in front of us."

"I'll have a few friends pick me and my car up, and I'll drive back your car here later on." Lucas shifted in his seat to get more comfortable. "What I meant was, mind explaining me why you looked so beat up? I wasn't lying when you looked like shit." 

"Why do I have to explain myself to you?" I snipped. Speaking of my being, the headache was still bothering me despite the pain killers I took once we got home. But that was probably the least of my worries because I had other injuries to deal with... 

Looking at finger nails like the smug devil that he is, Lucas sends me a cheeky grin. "I don't know, but you kind of owe me a favor. After all, I was the one who practically saved your asses back there. I saw the way the paramedics and the policemen were eyeing both of you. It didn't help that you looked banged up and Sophia was knocked out right next to you." 

Son of bi-

"Yup. I think you owe me an explanation. If not me, then Sophia. But she's out cold right now and I know that you two can't talk to each other without going at each other's throats. It would be best to talk to me for now." 

I sighed in defeat. I should have expected that much from Sophia's best friend. Hell, I didn't even know that he was back from where ever the hell he went. I guess that would explain the man in the pictures... That's a topic I'll discuss with Sophia later though.  "I'm going to take a wild guess and say that Sophia already updated you on how shitty this relationship is." 

"Actually, no," Lucas grumbled. "She gave me bits and pieces, but the damn woman is so good at being tight lipped about things. I know for a fact that you're almost as big of a slut as I am. I know that both of you haven't solved anything. I can't tell if the relationship is better or not. I don't know what's worse: the yelling or the ignoring. It's not that difficult to figure out the problems here." 

"Well, it's good to know that there's someone out there that can see my problems," I scoffed. I really wasn't the type to share my problems to the world. The 'so-called relationship' I have with Sophia is something that I would like to keep private. But here's the thing, Lucas probably knows more about the situation than me. By that, I mean, he knows Sophia better and they actually talk. Me? I know jack shit about what she thinks. It's true that she's good at being tight lipped. 

"Your sarcasm isn't appreciated," Lucas said. "Damn, I just sounded like Sophia for a second. Ugh. Anyway, she did tell me about last night and your little disappearing act. We can start with that. What's your side of the story?"

Clenching my jaw, I looked away. I didn't really want to talk about last night. It wasn't my greatest moment in life. But hey, shouldn't I be used to those? Life has been bending me over and slapping me all over. After a couple seconds and a few expecting looks, I decided to speak:

"My side of the story? I don't appreciate all of this contradicting going on between her and me. I'm getting tired of all of the accusations. Yes, I have cheated on her! But it's not cheating to me sometimes because I don't even know if I'm still in a relationship with Sophia! Look, I came home late and I actually had work and I decided to hang out with a few co-workers right after. There's nothing wrong with getting a drink with a few of mates, right?"

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