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Oh gosh. I apologize so much for going MIA for a couple a months. My bad. I will make it up to all of  you. I promise. Expect an update coming up soon. I'm probably going to go over what I have right now and tweak a few parts to make it better. 

I can justify what has been going on in the passed 9 months.

No, I did not get pregant and have a baby. 

Y'all probably don't care, but I'm just going to vent and rant. 

I graduated high school last June 2014. Woo. My senior kept me on my toes. I had to take so many SAT and ACT tests in the beginning of my senior year. I'm a nerd. I took so many Advanced Placement and honor classes. My high school schedule? 

0 Period- Leadership. I was really active in my school. I had 0 or A period, which meant that I had an early morning class that started before the regular schedule. My class started at 6:45am. 

1st- Physics Honors. Physics in the morning is not fun. I hated this class lol. 

2nd- AP Psychology. You can basically blame this class as the reason why I went all MIA. I worked my ass off for this class. 

3rd- AP Calculus AB. My math teacher was a wizard. I love math. 

4th-AP Goverment/Econ. My teacher was amazing and I just love this class. 

5th-AP Literature. My teacher and I are best friends on facebook. 

6th-Free class since I had 0 period. I would usually TA for my AP lit class or for my old PreCalc teacher. Or go across the street and hang out at the mall. Yes, my high school was across from the mall. 

Yeah, I was also in several clubs. I was mostly busy with the rocketry club. Yeah, I'm just a nerd. 

I had college applications to deal with. I'm pretty sure I broke down a few times because of all the stress that was going on with these applications. College essays, man. Just no. I worked on my essays for months. The two that I turned in I basically wrote 24 hours before turning my whole application. And i turned in my application like 2 days before the deadline. Crazy. 

I got into my first choice though<3 I worked my ass off during high school to get into one of the best public universities in the nation o____o 

Then I had other senior stuff going on. And I didn't really think much of writing for those months. I'm so sorry. I did some traveling and exploring after I graduated too. 


I'm planning on majoring in Communications with a minor in Sociology. I don't go back to school 'til October. Most of my friends have school so I'll be home. I have free time to write now :D 

Again, I am so sorry for leaving you all. Thank you to those that have stayed and continued to follow me on here. 

I have a blog that y'all should check out if you have free time. 


Instagram? Yee? 


Feel free to send me hate mail for being a horrible writer. 

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2014 ⏰

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