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We met in the summer, at a house party a distant friend was throwing. I wouldn't have gone if my friend Sade hadn't begged for me to go with her. She was my best friend, and let's be honest who could resist that cute pouting face she had?

Anyway, after being dragged against my will to the party, I decided to have a few drinks. I mean why not? It was summer, other people were getting loose, and it was bound to happen at this specific party, so I decided to say "Fuck it" and get drunk.

It wasn't long until I was stumbling around the place, my vision blurry, and my mind all over the place.

I danced with guys and even flirted with a few of them.. when I felt tired I stumbled onto a couch sitting in the corner of the crowded living room. Only moments passed before I felt the spot on the couch beside me dip in, I didn't mind it at first. For reasons such as, I was drunk, focused on the music, and honestly didn't care about whoever was sitting next to me.

Then I heard the most beautiful voice you could ever imagine, ring into my ears. Raspy and light, with a faint accent to it that I couldn't quite put my finger on. They spoke my name, and the hairs on my neck stood up at how smoothly it came out of their mouth "Kaiyden, what are you doing?"

My head turned, and my light brown eyes met their dark blue ones. Those eyes captivated me, and it amazed me how easily they left me in a trance. They held the ocean in them, and all I wanted was to watch the waves crash forever.

My mouth was dry, and no words formed in my head for me to vocalize.

"Kaiyden?" They repeated, waving a hand in front of my face.

I cleared my throat "Nothing... I'm drunk" I told them, stating the obvious.

They let out a short laugh, and when I processed the sound I nearly passed out. It was sweet as honeycomb, and left fuzzy feelings in my head.. or maybe that was the alchohal. Either way, I would listen to it on repeat if I could.

"That's pretty obvious, do you want me to go get you some water?" She asked, but her words only went over my head as I started loosing my vision again. I couldn't focus on the girl in front of me and mentally screamed, I just wanted to see her features clearly. The alchohal was kicking in again, and at the worst time possible.

"I'm taking that as a yes" she said after I didn't respond "stay right here okay, I'll be right back"

When she left, I felt myself fall back into the fatigue I had been feeling before she started talking to me. It was almost as if she was keeping me sober.. at least for a while.

My stomach started rumbling and my head pounding, I started feeling queasy and sunk into the couch. I almost felt as if I was going to pass out, and was confused as to why. I only had at least three cups, I should've been drunk, but not enough to be passed out drunk..

Someone spiked my drink.

I didn't panick when I figured this out, but I was more pissed. Now I wanted the girl to hurry back before I passed out. I knew I couldn't avoid it, so I just fought it until she came into sight again.

She hurried over to me and said something that I didn't recall, before I finally let darkness take over me.

That was all I remembered from that night, and was extremely upset with myself for not asking her name. I didn't even remember what I did the morning after..

All I knew was that I wanted to find her again.

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