Chapter 9: Soaked, Freezing, Dead

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(((Sorry about talking such a long time to post this I actually finished this chapter a while ago. I wanted to edit it but i didn't haha sorry... it shouldn't be too bad though. Hope you enjoy! Picture of David above and 'One Hundred Sleepless Nights' by Pierce the Veil cause why not?)))

(((A few days or rather a week later and I'm like what the fudge? I don't know if this chapter actually posted or not it like glitched out or something. I apologize for that SO SORRY GUYS I hope this posts now and everything is okay)))


I was at my house. I remembered watching my mum pack everything into cardboard boxes until it was empty. My foster dad got a new job overseas in Australia and we were leaving the next day. I'd never left England. My foster parents were too poor to go on holidays anywhere and I was born in London. Finally though my dad was getting promoted and I could start over... this life in Manchester... I didn't want to be like that anymore. Tears brimmed my eyes remembering... remembering her funeral. I couldn't believe she had done it. How had I not noticed? It was my fault she killed herself. Poor Evie... Never again would I hurt anyone like I hurt her. After my parents both died in that plane crash eight years ago and my foster parents saved me from that awful orphanage I didn't know why but I became a bad kid. I grew up feeling alone, depressed, unloved... for some stupid reason I thought the only way to fix that problem was being popular. Everyone loves you when you're popular right? But then I found a girl who made me fall for her, I stuffed it up, she hated me and worse she killed herself. I could never let that happen again.

On the plane I was as nervous as ever. When your parents die in a plane crash, you don't tend to trust planes very much. I begged my new parents to let us take a boat instead but they told me it would take too long. They dragged me onto this flying death machine and I found myself trying to calm down. I couldn't sleep so I ended up staying up for the whole twenty-four hours.

Something outside my window flickered. Was it... no... fire... My eyes widened and I opened my mouth to scream but it was too late. The whole plane exploded in a fiery ball of red.

I sat up gasping for air, sweat dripping down my forehead. Where am I? I took a look around and breathed a sigh of relief. I was okay. Everything was okay- my thoughts were cut off by a groaning sound outside. Well... maybe everything is not okay but at least I'm still alive. Those dreams... they were flashbacks. Everything but the ending. My fear of aeroplanes still haunted me. My foster parents and I moved into our new home and I started school. Then this... The apocalypse. Were they still alive? My house was pretty far from here. I wanted to leave this place, go and see if they were okay but... I couldn't leave my friends. Speaking of which, Dean was on watch and he must have heard my dramatic awakening because he was walking towards me. 'Dude, you okay?'
'Y...yeah, I'm fine.'
'Okay cool. Uh... could I ask a favour?'
'Yeah Dean what is it?'
'Could you take watch for me? I'm exhausted.'
'Isn't Sam supposed to be on next?'
'Yeah but she's not on for another hour, all you have to do is take my shift until then.'
I guess that's okay.
'Alright then.'
'Thanks Mitch.'

I sat up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes just as Dean flopped down onto his blankets and started snoring. Staying on watch wouldn't be so bad and it was only for an hour. Next to the chair that Dean was previously sitting in, sat the pistol that we took from those psycho people and a spiked baseball bat which I believed was Brooke's. The only light in the room came from the dulling fire just a few meters from me. Soft snores came from everyone in the room. It seemed so... peaceful, well apart from the few groans and inhuman noises coming from outside every now and then. I glanced around at everyone's sleeping expressions and almost lost it when I saw Caleb, he was kissing the air. Must be a good dream you're having there mate. I sighed and shook my head in amusement. Jamie was the only one in the room that looked a little distort but his expression was so much softer than his usual one when he was awake. Miles was drooling and even Xanna looked cute when she slept. Eventually my eyes landed on the sleeping Sarah. She wasn't smiling or anything but God she looked adorable... wait. Did I really just think that?

School Yard Apocalypse Book 1: Dead FleshWhere stories live. Discover now