Chapter 12

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I started to turn. I felt the sun on my face which I think that's what woke me up. I felt Draco move from under me. He smiled and looked at me. I looked back and he kissed me. I was so Happy nothing could make upset me. Until I seem Snape. He gave us both looks like we was in huge trouble. He took 50 points from both our houses. Then we had to go and to his office to talk about what he saw.

" We didn't do anything I sware" Draco said

" All we did was eat dinner and fell asleep" I said hoping me believe me.

" Wait why does it matter she already pregnant, we cant do anymore damage to her body so I don't really know why it matters. He didn't say we couldn't be together he just said that he wanted her to be a mom and give him a follower after he has taken down Harry potter she has done what she need to do so you shouldn't even care......

"ENOUGH!!!! Mr. malfoy I don't know what gave you the right to speak to me in such a manner but will assure you that is not how you will speak to me" yelled Snape.

Both me and Draco gave each other looked and then we just sat down.

"Now" snape said "I didn't want to talk to you about that anyways, I wanted to know how school is going with both the stuff you guys have to do" He asked

"Im doing fine" Draco said shortly

" Im ohkay people keep asking if im alright, I tell them im fine but I don't think they believe me." I said sadly

" Well I know Mrs. Granger know somethings wrong with you"s he said worried

"That stupid mudblood is stucking her nose where it done belong again" Draco said coldly

"That's not nice Draco she my friend and she cares, it not her fault that im not acting the same". I said shyly

"It ohkay Mrs. Riddle she will never know unless you have said something or she found the book your mom gave you." Snape said coldly with his dark black eyes

" No I dont think she found it, she just asked if I was sick." I said " I said no im fine"

He let us go back to class but the class was over so we just went to the lunch and then there Hermione pounded me with question I just laid me heard down and ignore her

AN/ Sorry I know this was really short.

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